Immortal is too strong

Chapter 105 Successful Foundation Establishment

Chapter 105 Successful Foundation Establishment (4)

Jiang Shuiyan had already made up her mind, so when the ninth thunder tribulation fell, she didn't even blink her brows.

When she was confronting Lei Jie, a green light flashed in her storage bag, and no one noticed because everyone was watching her cross Jie intently.

Afterwards, a black thing got out of the storage bag and hovered over Jiang Shuiyan's head.

Lei Jie just landed, and slammed hard at Jiang Shuiyan's head, only to land on that black thing!And, it was really stopped by it!
Jiang Shiyan opened his mouth slightly in surprise, what is this?The light is too bright for her to see clearly with the naked eye.

But because it withstood most of the power of thunder and lightning, Jiang Shuiyan easily defeated the last and most difficult thunder calamity.

After the thunder tribulation ended, Jiang Shuiyan's cultivation was still in the foundation building stage, and he hadn't been hacked back, haha!
The thunder cloud dissipated unwillingly, and those who survived the thunder disaster will definitely have a gift from heaven.In the place where the tribulation is crossed, the aura will become richer, and the scars on the body of the person who crosses the tribulation will be instantly repaired.

Jiang Shiyan also studied this phenomenon in his previous life, and felt that this healing method would work faster than any panacea.

It's a pity that her cultivation base is insufficient, and she has no way to find out what the principle is. The medicine she wanted to refine has never been practiced.

Now Jiang Shuiyan is in a state of extremely abundant spiritual power, and her thunder calamity is too difficult, so a huge spiritual power vortex travels above her head, and there are layers of spiritual energy clouds, covering this place.

Seeing this, Wan Jianzong's disciples all sat up in meditation. Such abundant spiritual power is suitable for comprehending and comprehending, and it would be a pity not to use it.

Some people with good aptitude, under the baptism of spiritual energy, improved their cultivation by a small level in just a short while.

In fact, this spiritual energy also had an effect on Ban Yanran and Mu Jin, but she was unwilling to accept Jiang Shuiyan's gift of a small foundation period, so she stood still.

As for the head of the class, or someone with a higher level of cultivation like Qing Mochen, they will benefit very little.

Jiang Shuiyan didn't have time to check her current cultivation level, she was very curious about the thing that just jumped out to help her as a thunderbolt.

It just happened to fall from the sky and was at her feet. She picked it up and looked at it for a long time, but she couldn't figure out what it was.

Iron lump?Ordinary iron block?It can't be a black stone, can it?What kind of material is it? It was a catastrophe just now!

Jiang Shuiyan was amazed, she gently pinched the black thing with her hand, and even got a little bit of crumbs, she was so frightened that she quickly put it into the storage bag, fearing that if she squeezed it again, it would all be broken.

The little thing helped prevent the catastrophe, and Qing Mochen could see it clearly from high in the sky.He didn't know what kind of material it was, but the breath was very strong, but Jiang Shiyan probably didn't know what it was.

A halo flashed around Jiang Shuiyan, and in the blink of an eye, she had changed into a dress.

Because she is a water spirit root, her appearance always makes people feel very pure and noble, but after her cultivation base has improved, there is a faint charm in the corners of her eyes and brows, which makes men unable to move their eyes away.

Now she has changed into a fiery red dress, dotted with golden halos all over her body, making her even more beautiful.

She smiled suddenly, and the smile was engraved in everyone's hearts. Even the head of the class, who had lived like this for many years and met many stunning people, was almost unable to resist.

He Xuefei glanced at Yu Yuanfan, and he also stared straight at Jiang Shiyan, almost drooling.

 Shisha is building its foundation again~~beautiful~~~
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(End of this chapter)

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