Immortal is too strong

Chapter 106 Living in Qingmo Chenna

Chapter 106 Living in Qingmo Chenna (1)

Thinking of such a stunning beauty having a marriage contract with him, he really wanted to shout three times in place!
He Xuefei's complexion was extremely bad, and she really wanted to tear Jiang Shuiyan's face into pieces right now.

As for why Jiang Shiyan dressed up?It's very simple, if you step on someone, you have to step on the sore spot, why does He Xuefei and Ban Yanran hate her?Because she is beautiful.

In this case, then I will dress up a little more beautifully, so that you can take a good look, haha.

Looking at the smoke in the river, Qing Mochen felt the ice and snow between his brows melt a little.Speaking of which, this kind of river water smoke has a little feeling of the previous life.

He obviously never cared about it at the beginning, but now that he arouses his mind a little, it seems that he can see her arrogant appearance in the righteous and evil ways.

Jiang Shuiyan walked slowly to He Xuefei's side, her waist was so slender that it seemed that it could be broken at any time, she said delicately: "Let me see, what is my current cultivation base? Ah, it turned out to be the second floor of the foundation building. I didn't If I remember correctly, you have just established the foundation, right? It seems to be rubbing the edge of a layer? So, I am higher than your cultivation base, so you have to call me Senior Sister."

He Xuefei didn't say a word, and couldn't hold back her face. She wanted to smoke hookah, but her cultivation was not as good as hers, so she was so aggrieved that she almost yelled.

Jiang Shiyan and He Xuefei were so close that He Xuefei could smell the clear and sweet fragrance on her body, and thought to herself, a woman with a water spirit root is just like this!Use this kind of deodorant to attract men at every turn!
"Why didn't Junior Sister He talk anymore? When I just established the foundation, weren't you very good at talking?" Jiang Shuiyan now has the strength to kill He Xuefei. For enemies, she has never liked to stay overnight. , to save someone from retaliation.

But now there are too many people, she can't do it.Do you want to ask He Xuefei out alone, and get rid of her without anyone noticing?
While concentrating, Yu Yuanfan squeezed over: "Shisha, congratulations on your success in foundation building! Let's hurry back and report the good news to the sect!"

Jiang Shuiyan disliked Yu Yuanfan, and slowly backed away, glanced at He Xuefei, and gave her a "you're lucky" look.

She didn't want to stay in Wan Jianzong any longer, and said, "Let's go."

The head of the class finally stood up: "You insulted my disciples of the Wanjian Sect, and even provoked a dispute between the human cultivator and the demon cultivator, and you want to leave easily?"

He Xuefei didn't dare to say anything, Jiang Shuiyan said leisurely: "We don't accept this hat. Did I let your daughter kill the same sect because of men's jealousy in the secret realm? I let your daughter kill the demon cultivator in order to compete for treasures? It's all you Wanjianzong It's my fault, why should we take the blame?"

The head of the class was speechless by Jiang Shuiyan's few words, and said viciously: "What a sharp-tongued woman! But no matter what you say, Wan Jianzong will not let you go! As witnesses, you should stay first. In Wan Jianzong."

He Xuefei and the others showed expressions of fear. Although Jiang Shuiyan smiled slightly, there was no smile in his eyes: "You want to kill us secretly? Then blame us?"

The head of the class choked for a moment, and spoke in a hurry: "Don't think of me as bad as Wan Jianzong! Although you repay kindness with hatred, we will not do anything to you! I will send a letter to let the Suzerain of the Bell Bottle Sect Come over and discuss your solution together."

If Jiang Shiyan had the strength, he would have patted his ass and left, and even talked so much with the head of the class?But she didn't, and if it really angered Ban Yanming, it would do her no good at all.

(End of this chapter)

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