Immortal is too strong

Chapter 128 Her White Feather

Chapter 128 Her White Feather (3)

Jiang Shuiyan hugged Bai Yu, choked up and said, "How is it possible, you have always been the most beautiful..."

Bai Yu's voice trembled in pain, his dark eyes reflected Jiang Shuiyan: "But it doesn't matter if you are ugly, as long as I can protect you... Unfortunately, there is no way for you to see me become a human." It looks like..."

Bai Yu died in her arms, Jiang Shuiyan blamed all of this on her, why did he have to be moved by Qing Mochen, why did he fall in love with him?
Seeing that Bai Yu is fine now, her eyes are getting moist, she really wants to rush up to hug him and tell him, my Bai Yu is the most handsome bird in the world.

In this life, she will definitely protect him and never let him end up like that again.

It might be that Jiang Shuiyan's gaze was too hot, and Bai Yu felt it.Now his figure is very small, about the size of a grown man's palm, but his feathers are very fluffy, making him look chubby. Standing on a tree branch, the tree branch trembles when he moves casually.

He hid himself behind a big leaf, which could barely cover him, so from Jiang Shiyan's perspective, he could only see a white border around the leaf.

Bai Yu hid behind the leaves for a while, poking her head cautiously, but still didn't see anything suspicious.

He whispered twice, could it be that he was too nervous?He has lived here for more than ten years, no one will come to catch him!
Thinking of this, Bai Yu jumped up happily, and went to find the insects to eat.

Jiang Shuiyan turned around, her beautiful and clear eyes were full of certainty.She clenched her hands tightly and said silently in her heart, little fool, wait for me to come back to find you.

She went to the lake where she stayed last night, and saw Lin Yufei sitting on the ground in despair.

She frowned and asked, "You don't cultivate well, why are you so dazed here?"

Lin Yufei looked up in shock, and when he saw Jiang Shiyan, his eyes were full of surprise: "Miss Jiang, you didn't leave me behind!"

Jiang Shuiyan asked: "Where did you say that?"

Lin Yufei pointed to her original location: "When I woke up in the morning, you were gone, I thought you were gone..."

Jiang Shuiyan: " actually spent your precious training time going to sleep?"

Lin Yufei became embarrassed: "I just practiced too focused and didn't realize..."

Jiang Shuiyan thought she was making a lot of noise in the morning, and it didn't wake him up?Lin Yufei, how did you grow up safely?

"Don't be melancholy, I have something to tell you, you go to the woods over there..." She pointed the direction, "Go and find me a red-headed six-legged insect, be careful, they have barbs on their bodies, Those thorns are poisonous."

Lin Yufei was immersed in joy, what Jiang Shiyan arranged, he hurried to do it.

He didn't dare to go too far into the woods to look for bugs. There were quite a few similar bugs in this forest. Although some of them flew very fast, they were still easy to catch for a cultivator.

Not long after, Lin Yufei grabbed a bag and took it to Jiang Shiyan to choose.

Then he discovered that Jiang Shuiyan was refining weapons.Her refining fire is very ordinary. With this kind of fire, you can't make offensive magical weapons, right?
Lin Yufei curiously wanted to ask her a few questions, but Jiang Shuiyan took his pockets and picked them out for a while, only to find two: "This is the right one, and the others are not."

(End of this chapter)

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