Immortal is too strong

Chapter 129 Using Food to Close the Relationship

Chapter 129 Using Food to Close the Relationship (1)

"Okay, I'll remember." Lin Yufei watched carefully for a while, then ran to continue catching insects.

In the afternoon, the Jiang Shuiyan refiner was successful.Lin Yufei took a sneak peek, what is this?Thin sticks?Why is it thinner at the front and thicker at the back?Is this stick retractable?Otherwise, if it is so long, it must be very inconvenient to use it as a weapon.

Jiang Shiyan started to assemble it. Not long after, Lin Yufei asked incredulously, "The fish you forged turned out to be a fishing rod? The fish in the lake are so fierce, why do you catch them? You just walk around the lake, and you will There are a lot of fish jumping out to bite you!"

She compared it and said lightly: "I don't want that kind of fish, why don't you go down and catch it for me?"

Lin Yufei immediately shook his head, he still remembered the shark last night, at least he was at the golden core stage, he didn't want to go down to die.

Jiang Shuiyan asked him to bring the worms and fix them on the fishing rod. She sat far away from the lake and started fishing.

I haven't fished for too many years, my hands are raw, and I wasted a lot of bait.

When fishing, she was a little melancholy.Alas, if she still has the strength of the transformation stage, she can kill the evil shark by jumping into the lake casually, and it is very easy to catch any fish.It's a pity that the strength is not enough, so I can only use the most stupid method.

Fortunately, she was smart, so she regained her touch in a short time, and the small whitebait was caught by her one by one.

This kind of small whitebait, when exposed to sunlight, can see through their narrow body and see the internal organs inside.Lin Yufei used his spiritual power to chop down a tree and made a simple wooden bucket. After filling it with water, he used it to hold fish.

The fish caught by Jiang Shiyan just happened to be placed in the wooden barrel.After she had caught more than a dozen fish, Lin Yufei said, "Why is only this kind of fish caught?" He was really afraid that Jiang Shuiyan would catch an extremely ferocious guy.

She explained lightly: "Because in this lake, only small silverfish like to eat this kind of bait."

After she caught more than 30 fish, she handed over the fishing job to Lin Yufei, collected the small whitebait, and walked into the forest.

The chubby Bai Yu was lying on the branch thinking about life at the moment.His thoughts were a little chaotic, he thought of the spirit beasts who had bullied him over the years for a while, and thought about what to eat for dinner for a while.

Compared with the experience of being bullied, dinner is obviously more important.Some pictures flashed in Bai Yu's head, they were all the food he had eaten, and he clearly remembered the taste of each one.

Among them, his favorite food is a kind of small whitebait, which lives in the distant lake.One year, there was heavy rain and flash floods broke out, and some of the small whitebait were washed out. After he ate it, he could never forget the taste.

After the mountain torrent subsided, he bravely went to the lake to look for opportunities, trying to plunge in to catch fish, but was almost eaten by the terrifying water monster inside.

Since then, he never dared to go there again.

Alas, the small whitebait is very fresh and tender, even the internal organs are clean, swallowing it in one bite, they are still bouncing in the mouth, biting their flesh, the taste is very refreshing, the raw fish has a little fishy smell, that It is also his favorite.

If only there was another flash flood in his lifetime, he thought happily.

Just thinking about it, he nodded, raised his head, and looked around, why did he smell the little whitebait?
Flying slowly, he pushed aside the leaves on the ground and found a small puddle!The one swimming in it was the little whitebait he had been thinking about day and night!
 Q: Why did you choose Baiyu in the first place?Best relationship with him?
  Hookah: He better lie
  White Feather: /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~
  Remember to vote and leave a message!You can add more today~~~
(End of this chapter)

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