Immortal is too strong

Chapter 141 Scaring away the evil shark

Chapter 141 Scaring away the evil shark (2)

Jiang Shiyan looked solemn, and forgot to put the eggs in the Qiankun bag.Bai Yu in her sea of ​​consciousness also noticed the movement of the evil shark, and was about to come out to help, but was stopped by Jiang Shuiyan.

If she wants to defeat the evil shark, Bai Yu must make good use of it, this is her current trump card.

As for Lin's not the time to pursue responsibility, Jiang Shuiyan said coldly: "Listen to my command for a while, and don't blame me if you react too slowly and get eaten by evil sharks."

Where did Lin Yufei dare to say no, he wished he could show more to Jiang Shuiyan, and nodded vigorously: "Miss Jiang, don't worry, I will definitely listen to you this time!"

The evil shark was roaring mournfully. He was very proud, and his mental power charged against Jiang Shuiyan: "The enemy of the day, do you think I will let go like this? It's time for you to pay the price!"

Jiang Shuiyan tried to delay the time, and said leisurely: "Then why didn't you show up in the past few hours?"

Evil shark is not stupid. After flying into the sky, he opened his mouth wide at Jiang Shuiyan. His sound waves have a great lethal effect, so when he opened his mouth, Jiang Shuiyan had already closed his sense of hearing. Who knew the sound would bring The shock of the shock can directly attack her soul!

Jiang Shuiyan felt his throat was fishy and sweet, and almost spat out a mouthful of blood.Lin Yufei couldn't hold on kneeling on the ground anymore. He looked at Jiang Shuiyan unwillingly. It was his fault that he was attacked by the evil shark this time. It doesn't matter if he died. I hope Jiang Shuiyan can escape successfully!

Evil shark laughed loudly: "There is no need to delay the time, the next moment is the time of your death!"

After all, he swooped down with the fastest speed, obviously preparing to kill with one blow.

Jiang Shuiyan found that the evil shark's speed was too fast, even if she used all the skills she had learned, she would not be able to escape this cultivation level, so she could only use the fastest speed to use the magic sea method to resist it first. He hit it off.

The evil shark got closer.Jiang Shuiyan could smell the stench from his long-grown mouth. Unlike Lin Yufei's panic, she only had concentration and calm on her face.

She was reborn to live a better life in this life, to break through the sky, not to die in the hands of an evil shark!

Thinking that there would be a strong collision, the bird egg in Jiang Shiyan's hand shook twice, and the evil shark suddenly stopped in the air.

The distance between Jiang Shuiyan and the evil shark allowed her to clearly see the cloudy vertical pupils of the evil shark, as well as the slight trembling of his skin.

A little puzzlement appeared in her heart, wasn't the evil shark just now quite arrogant?Why did you stop all of a sudden?
The intuition of her body made her take a tentative step forward, but the evil shark uttered a terrified cry, and stepped back a lot, staring at the bird egg in Jiang Shuiyan's arms, his eyes were full of tears. unbelievable.

Jiang Shuiyan looked at the bird's egg thoughtfully, thinking, what kind of bird's egg is this?She was sure she had never seen it.

This evil shark seems to be very afraid of this bird egg?

Jiang Shuiyan's cultivation base was not enough, but she was not so courageous, she held the bird's egg in both hands, and slowly lifted him up.

Evil Shark finally confirmed that the aura above was exactly the same as the person who seriously injured him!For these years, he recalled the terrifying power every day and night, so he lived in fear.

He was terrified, and just now he was aggressive, but now he can be said to have fled in despair.

She was also afraid that Jiang Shiyan would catch up, and after escaping with her tail between her legs, she followed the current of the lake and hid.

(End of this chapter)

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