Immortal is too strong

Chapter 142 Going Down to the Lake

Chapter 142 Going Down to the Lake (1)

Jiang Shiyan slowly burst into a smile, her white feather is really a treasure, picking up a bird's egg can be so powerful!

So Lin Yufei knelt on the ground, and saw Jiang Shuiyan crying with his hands, running towards the lake: "

Hello!Aren't you looking for revenge from me? What are you running for? "

Lin Yufei's teeth are trembling, Jiang Shuiyan, you are crazy!

After chasing to the lake, Jiang Shuiyan made sure that the evil shark was scared away and it was impossible to come up.

The treasure hunting plate in the Qiankun bag moved more violently, making her sure that the treasure might be in the lake.

Originally, she was afraid of the evil shark, so she didn't plan to go into the water, but now, she has a treasure, and if she doesn't take it away, she is an idiot!

So Jiang Shuiyan turned his head and smiled at Lin Yufei: "The moonlight is pretty tonight, do you want to swim in the water twice?"

Lin Yufei: "...Huh?"

Jiang Shuiyan was afraid that putting the eggs in the Qiankun bag would not be effective, so she found rattan, tied the eggs back and forth, and hung them around her neck.

Compared with her, the egg must be small, but I don't know what's inside, it's so heavy, after Jiang Shuiyan hung the egg, he felt a pain in his neck.

Lin Yufei looked at the lake in fear, he really wanted to ask Jiang Shiyan, should he really stop thinking about it?There are quite a lot of scary spirit beasts in the lake!

But he didn't dare, because he was talking too much just now, which almost caused them to be killed by Evil Shark.

Jiang Shuiyan turned to look at Lin Yufei: "Do you have anything that can be used for lighting?"

Lin Yufei lowered his head and rummaged through his storage space. After a while, he took out something similar to a night pearl: "Can you see this?"

Jiang Shuiyan took it, only glanced at it, and asked in shock: "Where did you get this bead?"

Lin Yufei said honestly: "I picked it up. Those demon cultivators chased and killed me just for this bead, and they insisted that it belonged to them."

Jiang Shuiyan asked him: "Then do you know what this bead is?"

"What?" Lin Yufei stared at the pearl a few more times, "It's quite ordinary, could it be the Pearl of the East China Sea?"

Jiang Shuiyan laughed, he is really a fool, he is lucky to be a fool, he can even pick up shark beads. "This is a shark bead. It is the most important refining raw material for Xisui Pill. It has the effect of cleansing one's life. The one in your hand is of good quality. It can be bought for several 10 yuan. gone."

Lin Yufei's eyes widened. He actually picked up shark beads?It is rumored that shark beads are very rare, even if there are ten thousand flood dragons, it may not be possible to have a single shark bead.

The place where he picked up the shark beads didn't rely on water, he thought with an ugly face, maybe those demon cultivators really hunted and killed a flood dragon and got the shark beads, but he snatched them.

Now those demon cultivators are dead... No matter how guilty he is, he can't change his fate.

Shark pearls glow in Jiang Shiyan's hands, so they can also be used for lighting.But such a precious thing, Jiang Shuiyan held it carefully.

She has been looking for raw materials for her marrow washing pill, and now the fine shark bead is in her hands, she can't let it go no matter what.

It's just how to tell Lin Yufei so that he can let Xiazhu out.If he was an ordinary monk, Jiang Shuiyan would definitely be murderous, and now she still needs his physique as a seeker of secret realms.

Lin Yufei was lost in thought, Jiang Shuiyan handed him the shark bead: "Here, we are going into the water."

He glanced hesitantly, then shook his head: "Miss Jiang, can you please keep this shark pearl?"

 Where is the sofa today~ I think I should poke and snatch it some other day, you will definitely not be able to snatch me hahaha

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(End of this chapter)

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