Immortal is too strong

Chapter 148 Secret Realm, Open!

Chapter 148 Secret Realm, Open! (3)

Some people have secretly sent orders back to their own sects to send people to fight for the treasures. Although there are many people in Wan Jianzong, if these sects join forces, they may not lose to Ban Yanming.

There are also some people who have long disliked Wan Jianzong. There are so many sword sects in the Yulan Realm, why can Wan Jianzong sit firmly on the throne of the world's number one sword sect?
It's best to fight and let Wan Jianzong fall!
In the sky of Anyang Mountain, countless mighty swords are on the verge of breaking out, causing extra power to the spirit beasts living here.

The evil shark who was originally in the lake wanted to take advantage of Jiang Shuiyan's unpreparedness to snatch her shark beads. Who knew that not only the aura of Jiang Shuiyan disappeared completely, but also so many terrifying auras in the sky, He quickly shrank himself into a ball, with his tail between his legs in fear.

Compared with recovering from the injury, saving his life is the most important thing now.

Compared with them, Jiang Shuiyan and Lin Yufei were much more comfortable. After entering the tall and majestic gate, the secret realm was closed, and they naturally saved their lives from those powerful hands.

The two of them landed directly on the ground. When they looked closely, the scenery here was hundreds of times more beautiful than that of Anfeng Mountain.

The sky is blue and high, and the clouds are like cotton, fluffy; the continuous and distant mountains are from spring to winter, and then back to spring from winter, so far it is a cycle.

There are gurgling waters and boundless seas here; waterfalls rushing down from high mountains, and even the sound of hitting stones is much clearer than the outside world.

The rich aura is even a step higher than that of Wan Jianzong. In such an environment deep in Jiang Shuiyan, there is an illusion that she can advance to the Jindan stage in an instant, which shows how shocking this place is.

She has captured a lot of spirit beasts with her divine sense. Unlike those fierce beasts outside, the spirit beasts here seem to be in an uncivilized state, ignorant, hiding in the dark and looking at them curiously.

Before Jiang Shuiyan expressed her thoughts, she suddenly heard Lin Yufei yell, he raised the sword in his hand and waved it twice, saying: "What kind of illusion is this, don't think we will be fooled by you! The tricksters from behind, stand up obediently, or we will be impolite!"

As soon as he shouted, those spirit beasts who still wanted to get close suddenly dispersed, and there was only a snow-white unicorn looking at Lin Yufei.

Jiang Shuiyan also looked at him speechlessly: "Do you know where this is?"

"I don't know," Lin Yufei shook his head seriously, and then looked at her in surprise, "Do you know?"

Jiang Shuiyan said: "Naturally, I don't know, but this is the secret realm you opened. Do you think that everything presented in front of us is an illusion? In other words, if you want to maintain such a big illusion, how bad is the secret realm? Have you thought about it?"

Lin Yufei was a little embarrassed when he heard this, and slowly put down his weapon: "In other words, it's all true..."

"Whether it is true or not, we still need to investigate. I think the scenery here is beautiful and the aura is rich. It is likely to be the cave of the ancient power, or the fragments of other realms have floated to the Magnolia Realm, because in the Magnolia Realm, it is impossible. There are places like this."

Lin Yufei looked at Jiang Shiyan admiringly. The Magnolia world is so big, how could she understand it so well?There are other realms that he has never heard of.

Jiang Shuiyan called Bai Yu out. He is a spirit beast, and his temperament is much better than hers, so it is easier to talk to other spirit beasts.

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(End of this chapter)

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