Immortal is too strong

Chapter 149 Secret Realm, Open!

Chapter 149 Secret Realm, Open! (4)

As for her and Lin Yufei, just check here slowly.The unicorn had already left, but Lin Yufei was in a daze as he watched the direction it was going away.

Jiang Shuiyan really hopes that this is the cave of the ancient great power. If she is lucky, she can search for countless treasures and succeed in advancing as soon as possible.

Bai Yu listened to Jiang Shuiyan's words, and flew over to communicate with other spirit beasts. They were quite vigilant at first, but it didn't take long for them to play together with Bai Yu.

Bai Yu asked them where this place was and how long they had survived, but they didn't know anything.

After coming back and reporting to Jiang Shuiyan, Jiang Shuiyan frowned: "I don't know the origin, the race, the identity?" These spirit beasts either really lived here for too long, or this is really a huge illusion.

It might be impossible to start with the spirit beast, so Jiang Shuiyan and Lin Yufei teamed up to search for the secret place inch by inch with his spiritual sense.

Three full days had passed, and Jiang Shuiyan found some medicinal herbs, but after she picked them with the hoe, they would disappear in her hands.

Quickly transferring it to the Qiankun bag didn't work either.

Lin Yufei went to capture some low-level spirit beasts. After those spirit beasts were captured, they always looked at Lin Yufei pitifully, and he couldn't bear to do anything.

Jiang Shuiyan wanted to quietly kill a spirit beast while he was not paying attention to see if their corpses would also disappear, because Lin Yufei was always on guard and it was difficult to do so.

That night, they built a bonfire, and Jiang Shuiyan gave Bai Yu some small dried fish to eat by himself, while he checked her cosmos bag facing the bonfire.

There is a small medicine cauldron inside, and some medicinal materials that can be refined, but lack of sky fire, she can't make alchemy.

The medicinal herbs and spirit beasts in the secret realm cannot be taken away, and there is no shadow of Mao's other treasures. Fortunately, the aura inside is all real. When Jiang Shuiyan is not searching in the secret realm, he will hurry up to practice.

Her Biqing Jue is only at the second level now, and there is still a long way to go before the ninth level.

Seeing Jiang Shuiyan so focused, Lin Yufei didn't respond to calling her twice, so he got up quietly and went into the jungle.

Because Jiang Shuiyan's temperament is always cold, spirit beasts dare not approach her, but Lin Yufei is different, he will carry Jiang Shuiyan on his back to play with these spirit beasts.

The spirit beasts in the secret realm all like him very much, especially a snow-white unicorn, which always stands quietly under the moonlight. The silver horn is brighter than the moonlight. Yu Fei's soul will be hooked away.

For the first time, he wanted to stay in a secret place.Didn't Jiang Shuiyan say that subduing spirit beasts can also do what they like?The unicorn liked him so much, maybe one day he would be willing to sign a contract with him.

That night, he couldn't wait to run up to the unicorn, stretched out his hand, hugged his neck, and rubbed his cheek.

"Have you been waiting for a long time? Where shall we go for a walk today?"

The unicorn left him a message that day, and after he secretly saw it, he became a partner with it.

The unicorn's cry is very pleasant, cheerful and nostalgic.After Lin Yufei climbed onto his back, the unicorn stepped on the clouds, soared into the sky, and took Lin Yufei to soar in the sky.

Jiang Shuiyan actually knew that he would go out secretly these few nights, but she persuaded him once, but Lin Yufei didn't listen, so she didn't continue talking.

The spiritual energy circulated for a week, Jiang Shiyan slowly opened his eyes, and Bai Yu was sticking out his snow-white buttocks, eating small dried fish in his mouth.

As for his "bird egg son", because he was worried about Jiang Shiyan being put in the Qiankun bag, Bai Yu got some hay and made him a simple nest. Now the bird egg is not far from Jiang Shiyan.

Bai Yu was eating small dried fish, and would turn his head to look at the bird's eggs. At first, it was quite normal, but then he found out, why did the bird's eggs move by themselves?
(End of this chapter)

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