Immortal is too strong

Chapter 152 The Method of Cracking

Chapter 152 The Method of Cracking (1)

She communicated with Bai Yu directly through Yuanshen: "Come here."

Bai Yu heard her master's call, tweeted twice, and flew to her in an instant: "Master, what's the matter?"

Jiang Shuiyan said: "Go and find out if there are other animals with the same disease as unicorns."

Bai Yu said: "Okay!"

While talking to him, Lin Yufei didn't notice that flowers and plants were slowly growing on the soles of Jiang Shuiyan's feet, gradually spreading to the distance.

Then, Jiang Shiyan explored a wider range through these plants.

Sure enough, the unicorn wasn't sick alone, it seemed that the spiritual plants in the secret realm were withering, and all the spiritual beasts were sluggish!

Jiang Shuiyan stared at the unicorn: "You can't replenish your spiritual power?"

The unicorn could understand Jiang Shiyan's speech and nodded.

When Lin Yufei heard this, he quickly stretched out his hand: "Then I'll give you spiritual power! Hold on!"

Just as his hand was about to touch the unicorn, it struggled away and looked at Lin Yufei firmly, refusing him to do so.

Lin Yufei was so anxious that his eyes were red: "But if the spiritual energy has not been replenished, it will definitely be very weak! If you continue like this, you will die!"

The unicorn was still very persistent, and Jiang Shuiyan persuaded Lin Yufei: "Don't force him, otherwise he will hide away and never come to see you again."

"How come..." Lin Yufei looked sadly at the unicorn, a slender and sensitive spirit beast, and didn't even meet his eyes.

In the end, Lin Yufei could only say: "Okay."

Jiang Shuiyan asked Lin Yufei to leave with her, and Bai Yu also came back, and the news he brought back was similar to what Jiang Shuiyan detected.

She sighed, and said to Lin Yufei: "If I guess correctly, we are trapped in a secret realm, and the aura in the secret realm is dissipating little by little."

"How is this possible? I think the aura here is quite strong!" Lin Yufei also began to absorb the aura, and his face changed after a short while.

He began to believe Jiang Shuiyan's words, and asked heavily, "Is there any solution?"

Bai Yu's eggs began to roll slowly towards Jiang Shuiyan again, and then rubbed against her trousers, and were gently kicked aside by Jiang Shuiyan.

Jiang Shuiyan answered Lin Yufei's words: "If this continues, this secret realm will become a lifeless waste film. The only way is to break through the secret realm and get out. This is definitely not a good holy place for cultivation, but a tomb! "

If she doesn't go out, then she and Lin Yufei will definitely use up all their spiritual energy here!She absolutely does not allow her to die in this way!

Lin Yufei asked Jiang Shuiyan: "Can the unicorn live if the secret realm is broken?"

Jiang Shuiyan didn't answer, that explanation was too hurtful, she just said: "Let's try."

Lin Yufei can only keep this life-saving straw now, and treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.After that, he and Jiang Shuiyan embarked on the road to find the way to break the secret realm.

Unfortunately, it was almost ineffective.

Bai Yu's small dried fish had already been eaten, and she became more and more hungry, and her chubby body shrunk a circle.

The spiritual power of Jiang Shuiyan and Lin Yufei was also being consumed little by little, and they could not get any supplement from this secret realm.

Lin Yufei saw it with his own eyes, the unicorn fell down little by little, and now it was dying.

Jiang Shuiyan remained calm and kept looking for a solution.She doesn't have any magic weapon on her body, and she doesn't have the sky fire to refine the first-class spiritual weapon, so she can only draw a formation.

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(End of this chapter)

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