Immortal is too strong

Chapter 153 The Method of Cracking

Chapter 153 The Method of Cracking (2)

More than a month later, a huge formation was drawn, and Jiang Shuiyan absorbed all the spirit stones on his body in order to succeed.

Even so, she still felt that the Sea of ​​Consciousness was in pain like being cut by a knife.

Lin Yufei couldn't understand this profound formation at all, so he asked Jiang Shuiyan: "What is this?"

Jiang Shuiyan said: "If it succeeds, this formation will tear apart the world here."

Lin Yufei asked again: "What do I need to do?"

Jiang Shuiyan handed him the dagger: "I need your blood." Using the monk's blood as a guide to activate the formation, Lin Yufei has traveled many places after all, and he feels that this is a bit of the shadow of the devil's teaching technique.

But after following Jiang Shiyan, what he learned the most was not to ask anything.Without hesitation, he slashed his wrist, and he stretched out his hand, with blood on his wrist: "Is this okay?"

Jiang Shuiyan nodded, led him to the eye of the array, poured two bowls of blood on him, and let him leave.

The formation was slowly being ignited, Lin Yufei stared at his wrist, the blood hadn't stagnated yet.

After that, he was no longer needed, and he said to Jiang Shiyan, "I'll leave first!"

Jiang Shuiyan heard it, but she was concentrating on opening the formation and didn't respond.

Bai Yu was taking his bird egg son, staring nervously at Jiang Shiyan in the formation.

I saw that she was still in a red dress, and Lin Yufei's blood was flowing from the eyes of the formation to every part of the formation.

Those lines are like blood vessels, when the blood passes by, they will still tremble, insatiable.

Jiang Shuiyan closed her eyes, quickly squeezed the formula in her hand, opened and closed her lips, and Bai Yu couldn't understand the meaning of the complex tone.

He could only see that red light gradually rose from the formation, dyeing Jiang Shuiyan's dress like fresh blood.

She has black hair and black eyes, standing in the formation, but her face is pale.

Now her cultivation is still not enough, and it takes too much spiritual power to activate such a formation, and she is overdrawing her strength.

Slowly, her black hair flew in the air, and the red light of the formation enveloped the Zhengege secret realm.

There are many methods of teleportation and space tearing in the realm of comprehension. Jiang Shuiyan didn't choose the most domineering one, but it is the best one at present.

If they succeed, they will be able to escape from this false paradise, but if they lose, her spiritual energy will be exhausted, and the success will fall short.

At this moment of life and death, even Bai Yu stretched out his two wings and tightly hugged his bird's eggs, extremely nervous, but Jiang Shuiyan's mood was exceptionally calm.

She didn't believe that destiny would be so unfair to her!

When Jiang Shuiyan activated the formation, Lin Yufei held his wrists and came in front of the unicorn.

He put his wrist by his mouth and said anxiously: "Look, the blood won't coagulate for a while, so hurry up and eat it! My spiritual power is inside!"

The unicorn only took one look, then whined, and turned away.

It is rumored that they are the purest creatures in the world, and blood is not their food, it will defile them.

Lin Yufei also had no choice. He tried to inject spiritual power into the unicorn, but his cultivation base was too low, and the unicorn would run away as soon as he found out that he had this intention.

This time, he couldn't even walk.Lin Yufei choked up and said, "Please, eat it, living is the most important thing! When Miss Jiang breaks through this secret realm, I will take you out. Now you have to persevere!"

(End of this chapter)

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