Immortal is too strong

Chapter 177 Abandoning the River Hookah

Chapter 177 Abandoning the River Hookah (1)

He Xuefei's words seemed to make sense at first glance, which made Yu Yanghong silent.

Yu Yuanfan was hesitating, what to do, Jiang Shuiyan was still his fiancée, if she was left in Wan Jianzong, he would definitely break off the engagement with her.

Where can I find such a good water spirit root?Is there no other solution?

Apart from Bi Shuran, Lu Jinyu also couldn't understand He Xuefei's words like this, and stood up to speak for Jiang Shuiyan: "Junior Sister has done nothing wrong from the beginning to the end, and I don't agree with her staying."

"Jinyu!" Yu Yanghong called him in a deep voice, "The overall situation is the most important thing."

Lu Jinyu looked at Yu Yanghong in shock, he didn't expect that this was something the suzerain could say.

Bi Shuran understood, in fact, Yu Yanghong already agreed with Ban Yanran's choice in his heart.

He took a few steps forward and stood beside Jiang Shuiyan: "Sect Master, since you must leave a disciple of the Bell Bottle Sect, then I will stay. Please take the senior sister away."

Yu Yanghong remained silent, but he was obviously very dissatisfied with Bi Shuran.

But Bi Shuran seemed to be unable to see his eyes, and said slightly mockingly: "Senior sister and I are not well-cultivated. After so many years, we really haven't helped the sect much. But the parents of the senior sister have done so much for the sect. Contributions, the current mountain protection array of the Bell Bottle Sect was built with all their efforts! This disciple believes that the disciples of the Bell Bottle Sect have been blessed for so many years, and this credit should go to the senior sister!"

Speaking of this, Yu Yanghong couldn't hold back his face anymore, the people of Wan Jianzong were still watching the fun, especially Ban Yanran, who was extremely proud.

Jiang Shuiyan, look at how these people you have worked so hard to protect have treated you. The disaster is imminent, and they pushed you out!Ha ha.

Yu Yanghong was probably moved by Bi Shuran, he glanced at Ban Yanran beggingly, and saw Ban Yanran shake her head: "No, Jiang Shuiyan must stay, and if others are willing to stay and suffer with her, we will not stop them. "

He Xuefei chimed in: "Sovereign, please agree with what Miss Ban said, we have not recovered from our injuries before, and there is no way to stay in Wanjianzong to suffer."

Upon hearing this, Yu Yanghong asked nervously, "Did the people from Wan Jianzong make things difficult for you?"

She stared at Jiang Shiyan again: "The only ones who were injured were the three of us. She has such a powerful person protecting her, who would dare to touch her?" She said aggrievedly, "If we stay, maybe we won't see her again." The sun is setting tomorrow morning, Senior Brother," she pushed Yu Yuanfan, "Don't you think so?"

Yu Yuanfan was a little afraid to look at Jiang Shiyan, and kept silent.

He Xuefei got angry from her heart, and stabbed Yu Yuanfan with her words: "That day we were outside Yonglin Valley, but she couldn't wait to go to Mochen Immortal Venerable, brother, have you forgotten?"

Even in the indifferent world of comprehension, men still can't stand a woman who cuckolds him, even though Jiang Shuiyan never regarded him as a fiancé after his rebirth.

At this moment, Yu Yuanfan was staring at Jiang Shiyan with dark eyes, wishing he could swallow her alive.

He Xuefei continued her efforts: "Senior brother, there is no fragrant grass anywhere in the world, and she is not the only one with the water spirit root, why do you marry such a person who makes you ashamed. You have to think clearly, there is only one sect."

Instigated by He Xuefei like this, Yu Yuanfan made up his mind.He wants to break up with Jiang Shuiyan!

After listening for a long time, Jiang Shuiyan understood what they meant.Wan Jianzong wants to keep people, but Bell Pingzong doesn't want her, so she has nothing to miss in such a sect.

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(End of this chapter)

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