Immortal is too strong

Chapter 178 Abandoning the River Hookah

Chapter 178 Abandoning the River Hookah (2)

She just said before Yu Yuanfan could speak: "I want to divorce you."

Yu Yuanfan's breath stuck in his throat, his eyes widened and he thought, why is this woman so arrogant, he hasn't said anything yet!
"Jiang Shuiyan, you don't follow women's ways..."

"Yu Yuanfan, look at your whole body, how can you compare to Mochen Immortal?" Jiang Shuiyan commented with a smile, "Talent is not as high as him, spiritual root is not as good as him, cultivation is not as strong as him, you are not even as good as him Good-looking. Why should I marry you when there is an immortal protecting me? Bell Pingzong doesn’t want me, Wanjianzong wants me! I don’t care about going back with you!”

Ban Yanran's smile froze.What's going on, isn't Jiang Shuiyan sad at all?

Jiang Shuiyan couldn't hold back his chatterbox once he opened it: "Look at your expressions, it's really exciting. Why, do you think the Bell Bottle Sect is still some kind of geomantic treasure? Go compare with Mochen Immortal Venerable's Yonglin Valley, the Bell Bottle Sect is weak It's really embarrassing. Do you think that I will beg you to take me back? Don't think about it, it doesn't exist. "

"Jiang Shuiyan, what do you mean! Are you going to take the initiative to convict the sect!" He Xuefei really didn't expect Jiang Shuiyan to play cards in such an unreasonable way. She even put on airs and began to despise the Bell Bottle Sect?
"Don't say that, it's you who are unkind, and I am unrighteous." Jiang Shuiyan slowly looked around at the Lingpingzong people, Lu Jinyu's eyes were full of helplessness, Bi Shuran was full of anger, and the others , I didn't even have the courage to look at her.

Jiang Shuiyan smiled with his lips curled up: "You are only allowed to treat me as an abandoned child, and I am not allowed to leave the sect? I am not so selfless. Treat me as a kindhearted person today, and save your life. You should leave Wanjian as soon as possible." Zong, otherwise Immortal Venerable Mochen will come and I will just chat with him, and you will not be able to leave."

He Xuefei was furious: "Okay, you know how to speak for us just now, so you must have ulterior motives! Jiang Shuiyan, I see you clearly!"

Jiang Shuiyan ignored her, and looked at Yu Yuanfan: "I just said that I want to divorce you, did you understand?" Yu Yuanfan's lungs were about to explode, Jiang Shuiyan seemed not to notice, "I despise you , I don’t want you anymore, understand?”

Yu Yuanfan was so angry that his face was trembling. Seeing his son being humiliated like this, Yu Yanghong and his wife stood up, pointed at Jiang Shuiyan and cursed: "Even if you cry and beg my son in the future, my son will not marry you!"

Jiang Shuiyan hummed twice perfunctorily, and made a gesture of congratulations: "Go slowly, you guys."

Yu Yanghong led the people from the Bell Ping Sect, abandoned Jiang Shuiyan, turned around and left.Only Bi Shuran stayed where he was, motionless.

Yu Yanghong called him: "You still don't want to leave, do you want to stay with this traitor?"

Bi Shuran looked at Jiang Shiyan's smile and found it dazzling.He said heartlessly: "Senior sister is not a traitor. You forced her to make such a decision! I really want to stay with my senior sister in Wanjianzong. From now on, we will have nothing to do with Lingpingzong." connection!"

Yu Yanghong wished to get rid of these two trouble-making spirits. No matter how far the battle between the human cultivator and the demon cultivator went, it would have nothing to do with their Bell Bottle Sect.

Jiang Shuiyan took Bi Shuran's words: "I still have a relationship with the Bell Bottle Sect."

He Xuefei supported the angry suzerain's wife, Jiang Shuiyan and Yu Yuanfan divorced, she was the happiest, the senior brother finally belonged to her!

(End of this chapter)

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