Immortal is too strong

Chapter 185 Oolong

Chapter 185 Oolong (3)

Jiang Shuiyan said embarrassingly: "Wen Jiuming has not appeared for thousands of years, and it is rumored that he has already ascended..."

"Ascended? Then how can I seek revenge from him? You promise me, you will not forget it, right?"

Although it was an oolong, but Jiang Shuiyan has a lot of debts, so she doesn't care about him. She promised: "You are already my spiritual weapon, and I promise you, of course. Wait for me Also fly up, and will help you avenge Wen Jiuming."

At first hearing these words, it seems quite normal, but after thinking about it in the spirit world, it is not the taste.

"What is your cultivation level now?"

Jiang Shuiyan said without blushing, "I am in the early stage of foundation establishment."

The spirit world roared crazily in her sea of ​​consciousness, and almost shook the bird eggs in the hot spring: "It's only in the early stage of foundation establishment? Then when will you be able to ascend? It will take thousands of years at the earliest! I was cheated by you !"

Jiang Shuiyan stabilized his consciousness and said with a smile: "Anyway, you have been waiting for so long, just wait a little longer...don't get excited..."

"Can I not be excited?" If the spirit world is a person, it must have been in a hurry, "From today on, you collect the treasures of heaven and earth for me, and I will return to my peak state quickly! Then you will come to my Come to practice in the spiritual spring, hurry up and ascend!"

Jiang Shuiyan agreed: "It's good for you to be strong, I understand." But he thought in his heart, if you become strong early, what should you do if you turn back on me?
I practice steadily and steadily, so you should do the same.

After the spirit world finished speaking, it fell into silence again. After Jiang Shuiyan asked him for a long time, he didn't respond. It seemed that he was really angry.

In the dead of night, Jiang Shuiyan couldn't help thinking, what kind of person Wen Jiuming is.

If he really ascended, how many years would he have to practice to be his opponent?
She originally wanted the spirit world to help her kill Qing Mochen, but it seemed that she had to work hard on her own again.

While concentrating, there was a knock on the door, and Bi Shuran asked outside the door: "Senior sister, can I come in then?"

In Jiang Shuiyan's room, several oil lamps were lit, and the dim light, carrying her shadow, was reflected in the window and swayed.

"come in."

Bi Shuran pushed the door open, saw Jiang Shiyan meditating, and sat down in front of her.He was in a good mood, and told Jiang Shuiyan: "The third and fourth layers are really powerful, but unfortunately I haven't been able to master them yet."

"Don't worry, sword practice is a journey that requires patience and loneliness." Jiang Shuiyan looked at him softly, "You came here to ask what happened during this time, right?"


"Let me tell you." Jiang Shuiyan told Bi Shuran roughly how she was captured by Qing Mochen, how she went to Penglai alone, who she met in the secret realm, and what happened after she came back.

Of course, she also omitted a lot of things, such as the rebirth of her and Qing Mochen, such as the treasure hunting plate and the Shennong medicine cauldron, such as Lin Yufei and the spirit world.

In Bi Shuran's ears, there are also many doubts.Why did Mo Chen Xianzun kidnap the senior sister?But he saw that his senior sister didn't seem to know the reason, so he could only frown and said: "No matter what his cultivation level is, if he can do such a thing, he is not worthy of respect. Senior sister, you must not be soft-hearted towards him."

Jiang Shuiyan smiled suddenly: "Soft-hearted?" When I kill him, I will never be soft-hearted.

"It's not a long-term strategy for us to stay in Eternal Landing Valley. We still need to find a chance to leave." Bi Shuran's face was full of sadness.

"I'm in Wan Jianzong, and I still have some things to do. Let's go when I finish," Jiang Shuiyan said.

 Please accept the update when it drops~Please leave a message and a recommendation ticket!I will be more happy tomorrow~~~

(End of this chapter)

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