Immortal is too strong

Chapter 186 Framed River Hookah

Chapter 186 Framed River Hookah (1)

Bi Shuran held back and didn't ask Jiang Shiyan what she was going to do, but she took the initiative to explain.

"There is no need to hide this matter from you. Remember when I told you that the medicinal materials for refining the marrow pill are still two flavors away? I have already collected them all."

Bi Shuran asked in amazement: "Have you collected both the thousand yuan grass and the shark beads?" These two things are priceless!

"Well, one was obtained in the Penglai Secret Realm, and the other was given to me by a friend."

When Bi Shuran heard the word "friend", her heartstrings were twitched.Senior sister, does she know someone else?
"However, what I want to do is not alchemy. I don't have a sky fire right now."

"That is?"

"Refining." Jiang Shuiyan took out some things from her Qiankun bag, and they were clinking, almost filling up under her feet.

"What is this?" Bi Shuran picked up a black object, touched it, and found that it was both soft and tough.

"This is the skin of Yamata no Orochi, and the cloth armor for defense is the best. I also collected his snake teeth and venom, and I plan to carve a magic circle on it."

Bi Shuran silently put down the things in his hands.So what he just touched was snake skin?No wonder it is a bit cold and creamy.

Jiang Shuiyan likes these materials very much: "The Yaqi snake is rare. The snake skin here is for you and I have refined the leather armor and there are still some leftovers. The fire used to refine the weapon is not so demanding. When I find the weapon fire, I can refine it. After making the leather armor, let's find a chance to leave."

Bi Shuran was a little puzzled: "Why don't we leave first, and then refine the leather armor?"

Jiang Shuiyan patiently explained: "Ban Yanran regards me as a thorn in the flesh, let alone that we want to leave Wanjianzong now, it is as difficult as climbing the sky, just say me..."

When Bi Shuran saw her look distressed, she also became nervous. Could it be that the senior sister was injured?
Who knew that Jiang Shuiyan said embarrassingly: "I'm too shy to afford firearms..."

Bi Shuran: "..." What a coincidence, I am as poor as my senior sister.

Fortunately, Jiang Shuiyan also knew Yun Jingxuan in Wanjianzong. She always believed in equal value exchange, and it would be great if she could negotiate terms with Yun Jingxuan.

Bi Shuran stayed here for a while, then left, leaving the river hookah belly to practice.

After half a month, Yun Jingxuan didn't come to see Jiang Shuiyan, and she didn't have his messenger amulet, so she couldn't find him.

But focusing on practicing every day, guiding Bi Shuran to practice swords, and teasing Bai Yu in his spare time, the time passed quickly.

It is worth mentioning that Bi Shuran and Bai Yu became friends not long after, they probably have a bit of a childish nature, and concluded that they went to explore the Yonglin Valley together.

But it's icy and snowy here, and there's nothing fun to do here. Jiang Shuiyan saw that they set off with great enthusiasm every time, but returned empty-handed.

Shennong Yaoding was sleeping, and the spirit world ignored Jiang Shiyan. She gradually got used to the cold of Yonglin Valley, and her cultivation was steadily improving.

The peaceful day was broken in one afternoon.Yun Jingxuan came to Jiang Shuiyan in a hurry, looking at her hesitantly.

Jiang Shuiyan was a little puzzled, and it happened that she had to discuss with Yun Jingxuan about the fire, so she asked, "What happened?"

Yun Jingxuan said in a deep voice: "Something happened to the Bell Ping Sect."

"What?" Although Jiang Shuiyan looked calm, his heart was churning.In the last life, the Bell Bottle Sect also participated in the siege against demon cultivators, so what could happen now?

It couldn't be that someone took advantage of Yu Yanghong's absence and took away his suzerain position, right?
(End of this chapter)

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