Immortal is too strong

Chapter 205 Dingkang Cliff

Chapter 205 Dingkang Cliff (2)

Ban Yanran glared at Mu Jin: "You know how to stop me! I hate her so much, why can't you kill her for me?"

Mu Jin was silent, feeling very headache.Of course he was willing to do anything for Ban Yanran, but he didn't want to let his Dao heart down.

So Mu Jin had no choice but to take a step back: "I don't want to get your hands dirty."

Hearing what he said, Ban Yanran felt a little better.Mu Jin didn't look at Jiang Shiyan and Bi Shuran who fell on the ground, and led Ban Yanran away.

After exiting Eternal Landing Valley, Mu Jin said: "If you want her to die, there are many ways."

"But she said that no matter who kills her, it will be blamed on me!"

Mu Jin asked firmly: "Then what if she commits suicide?"

"Suicide? Look at her appearance that has been a disaster for thousands of years, how could she commit suicide!" Thinking that her cultivation base was so much higher than Jiang Shiyan, but she couldn't do anything to her, Ban Yanran had a headache.

Mu Jin didn't say anything, but Ban Yanran suddenly thought of a situation.

She looked at Mu Jin happily and was about to jump up: "Eldest brother, you are really too smart! Yes, I can't kill her, but I can throw her among the disciples of Wan Jianzong. Let everyone squeeze her out, she can't bear it, she will definitely lose her meridians!"

Mu Jin just smiled dryly, looking into the Yonglin Valley, his eyes full of deep thought.

Would Jiang Shuiyan allow others to bully her like this?In other words, if she was bullied, she would destroy her heart and commit suicide in despair?
Sigh... I hope Yanran's methods are not too cruel.

Ban Yanran made up her mind and arranged these things in the afternoon.She asked people to enter the Yonglin Valley forcibly, and took Jiang Shuiyan and Bi Shuran away without saying a word.

Ban Yanran used coercion to hurt Bi Shuran before, but fortunately, after returning to Yonglin Valley in the past few days, Jiang Shuiyan made some elixir to stabilize Bi Shuran's injury, and after a few more days, he should be able to recover.

When someone wanted to take them away, Bi Shuran supported his sick body, got out of bed and stood in front of Jiang Shuiyan, with a pale face: "Where are you taking us?"

The person who came was very impatient: "What are you doing so clearly? Let you go, don't talk nonsense!"

Bi Shuran wanted to say something, but Jiang Shuiyan stopped him.These few disciples are all in the middle stage of foundation establishment. She and Bi Shuran have no magic weapon, so it is better to bear with it.

"Okay, let's go."

Bi Shuran stared blankly at Jiang Shiyan with pain in his eyes.He didn't wait to block Ban Yanran's slap just now, are they going to be made things difficult again now?
Jiang Shuiyan looked calm. She was beaten by Ban Yanran just now, but she was not injured.The reason is that she refined a magical weapon for herself, which is similar to wearing a mask on her face. It is usually invisible, and it will appear when it is attacked.

It's a pity that this thing is a one-time use. Jiang Shiyan didn't make a few in total, and the one he just used has broken down.

She still asked Bi Shuran softly at this moment: "How about it, can you go by yourself?"

Bi Shuran was afraid that she would say something like "If you can't leave, I will carry you behind my back", so she quickly pushed her away: "You can go."

Both of them carried their things with them, and there was nothing to clean up, but when Jiang Shuiyan passed the desk, by a strange coincidence, he took the two portraits on it into the spirit world.

As soon as the portrait was put in, she heard the spirit world snort contemptuously: "You put all these rotten things here, and treat my place as a garbage dump?"

(End of this chapter)

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