Immortal is too strong

Chapter 206 Dingkang Cliff

Chapter 206 Dingkang Cliff (3)

Then those two portraits were rolled up by the spirit world and thrown into an unknown corner.

Jiang Shuiyan's expression remained the same, and he walked with Bi Shuran, and slowly distanced himself from the disciples in front of him.

Liu Xin said impatiently: "Can you hurry up? Do you want to be beaten?"

Bi Shuran was full of blood and pinched the hilt of the sword, but Jiang Shuiyan held his hand and pulled him forward: "This is it."

They were taken away from Yonglin Valley to a place called Dingkang Cliff.Jiang Shuiyan is very familiar with Wan Jianzong. The towering peaks here are the residences of the elders of Wan Jianzong. The apprentices they accept will be brought to teach them.

As for Dingkangya, it is the residence of those inner disciples who did not worship under those elders, but still accept the guidance of Wan Jianzong.

Dingkang Cliff covers an extremely vast area, and many areas have been excavated on the cliff that stands thousands of feet high.

Some are classrooms for these disciples to preach and learn from their karma, some are martial arts training grounds, and there are scripture pavilions that these disciples can enter.The largest area is their residence.

Although they all live in caves, disciples with advanced cultivation can apply for caves with more aura and richer aura. The furnishings are exquisite and complete. If they don't like living with others, they can live by themselves.

But disciples whose cultivation level is not too high can only live with others.

The residences of these disciples are also divided into regions, and the disciples in the refining and foundation building stages do not study together.

As for Jiang Shuiyan and Bi Shuran, they were taken to the gathering place of foundation-building disciples, on the left side of Dingkang Cliff.

When Dingkang Cliff had the most disciples, there were tens of thousands of them. It was very difficult to stand out from the tens of thousands of disciples.

Because all activities have to be carried out on the cliff, they must fly with the sword back and forth, which is also a way to temper their sword intent.

Every year, there will be a wave of selection competitions on Dingkang Cliff. The content of the competition is variable. The top-ranked disciples will have the right to choose a cave and get countless treasures.The most important thing is that the powerful people from all peaks of Wanjianzong will come to watch their competitions. Some aptitudes with high cultivation bases may be selected by these elders and carefully cultivated.

Even if they can't be selected, they will have a high status in Dingkangya, and the younger brothers and younger sisters will respect them very much.Nowadays, there are many elders of Wan Jianzong who came out of Dingkang Cliff.

Because Wan Jianzong is the largest sect in the world, their Dingkang Cliff Competition will attract people from other sects to watch every year.Some outstanding disciples may be taken away by the other party and become their closed disciples with a detached status.

In a growing place of this nature, everyone is a rival and the competition is fierce.Therefore, on the Dingkang Cliff, there are constant frictions, big and small, as long as they don't go too far, they are all allowed.

Those disciples brought Jiang Shuiyan and Bi Shuran to the bottom of Dingkang Cliff. She raised her head high and couldn't see the top.

As for the three big characters split with a sword in the middle of Dingkang Cliff, they are very dazzling.

This fierce sword intent seemed to be able to split the world, and Jiang Shuiyan felt his brain hurt.As for Bi Shuran, he looked at the words "Dingkangya" with a kind of surrender from the heart.

Who cut this down with a sword?The sword intent has reached its peak!
Even if you don't go to Dingkang Cliff to practice, you will have an epiphany if you meditate here for a while!
 25 more comments from Jiageng

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(End of this chapter)

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