Immortal is too strong

Chapter 207 The Disappearing Sword Intent

Chapter 207 The Disappearing Sword Intent (1)

Jiang Shuiyan was very familiar with this sword intent, and it belonged to Qing Mochen.She turned her eyes lightly, not wanting to see anything related to him.

Bringing them here, Jiang Shiyan knew what their purpose was even with his eyes closed.There are countless disciples on Dingkang Cliff, if their cultivation is not at the top, their status will be suppressed.

The coercion among ascetics is a very scary thing.And under Ban Yanran's behest, the originally benign competition may turn out to be malicious bullying when it comes to her.

I have to say that Ban Yanran was smart once and chose a place that was most suitable for suppressing her.

Liu Xin pointed to the designated Kang Yashang: "Your residence is here. You can fly up by yourself with the sword. If you can't fly up, you will be punished at night."

Bi Shuran stood up and said: "But we are not disciples of Wan Jianzong, why do we live here? Also, what is this place?"

"There's a lot of nonsense," Liu Xin pushed Bi Shuran, "I told you to go up, so hurry up!" After that, they mentioned the names of two caves, which were clearly the residences of Bi Shuran and Jiang Shuiyan.

Bi Shuran still wanted to argue with them, but Jiang Shuiyan stopped him, stared at Liu Xin and asked, "As long as we can reach the cave, we won't be punished at night, right?"

"Then who knows, you go up first and then talk."

Seeing his smirk, Jiang Shuiyan felt a little uneasy.They couldn't get out either, and those disciples left quickly, leaving Jiang Shuiyan and Bi Shuran staring here.

Bi Shuran asked Jiang Shuiyan puzzledly: "Senior Sister, why did you agree to live here? Standing under the cliff, I can feel that there are thousands of sword cultivators here! Ban Yanran obviously wants to use their hands to suppress us ah!"

Jiang Shuiyan said: "Why don't I understand. But you and I have low cultivation bases and no background, so now we can only swallow this breath."

She reached out and touched Bi Shuran's head: "It's the senior sister who made you wronged. Wait a minute, such days won't last long."

Bi Shuran originally wanted to shake off Jiang Shuiyan's hand, but her palm made him feel very warm, and he was so greedy that he turned his head unnaturally in the end.

"Forget it, if you come here, you will be safe. Let's find out what's going on here in a while."

"Okay." Jiang Shuiyan thought of one thing and told him, "If you guessed correctly, we will be surrounded by the foundation building period. What you can do now is to make less trouble and practice more. When your cultivation base improves, They can't do anything to us."

"it is good."

Bi Shuran pulled out the sword, Yujian flew up, and Jiang Shuiyan watched him from below.

Originally, he was flying quite steadily, but when he was just a few feet away from the ground, someone Yu Jian rushed over from the side.

He was so fast that Bi Shuran couldn't dodge in time, and was directly hit by his sword on the cliff, falling rapidly!
Jiang Shuiyan shouted anxiously: "Shu Ran!"

Fortunately, Bi Shuran quickly adjusted his posture and stood firmly on the sword again.The person who bumped into him had a very arrogant face, and asked nonchalantly, "Where did you learn Yujian? You can't even avoid this, and your level is too low. Jean, don't get in my way." way."

Bi Shuran remembered Jiang Shuiyan's instructions, and turned his sword sideways, and the man flew away quickly.

The higher you go, the more likely this situation will happen, because there are too many sword cultivators traveling on Dingkang Cliff.Especially since they are all in the foundation building stage, it is difficult for Bi Shuran to bear their coercion.

(End of this chapter)

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