Immortal is too strong

Chapter 214 Conflict

Chapter 214 Conflict (2)

Seeing Bai Yu, Mo Bingyou asked, "Is this the little white bird you raised to make you happy? It's quite cute."

Although he said that Bai Yu was cute, but in Jiang Shuiyan's eyes, she seemed to want to tear Bai Yu apart.Even when she was looking at Jiang Shiyan, there was undisguised desire in her eyes.

Jiang Shuiyan thought with a cold face, Ban Yanran would really arrange a place for her.Her cultivation base is not as strong as Mo Bingyou, if this woman really wants to do something crazy to him, it will be difficult for him to resist.

"I'll take care of myself a little bit, and I'll go to class with you."

Mo Bingyou showed a salivating smile, looked at Jiang Shiyan without blinking, and waited for Jiang Shiyan to change clothes.

Who knew that Jiang Shuiyan just made a dust removal formula, and after standing on the ground again, he felt like he was in a fairyland.

"Let's go." Jiang Shuiyan opened his door, touched the barrier, and felt a little horror in his heart.

When Mo Bingyou came in, it didn't destroy her formation, but melted part of it.Like the eerie darkness outside, it was like a black hole that could absorb everything.

Walking into the hall, Mo Bingyou got half of a candle from somewhere, and after lighting it, there was finally light.

She walked to the corner and lifted a piece of white cloth, and Jiang Shuiyan heard a clanging sound.

"I see that you don't have a sword, can you pick one from here? A sword is essential for practicing on Dingkang Cliff."

Jiang Shiyan walked over and took a rough look. There must be at least 20 here.Most of them are thin swords and light swords, not the chilling swords used by Qing Mochen.

"These swords originally had owners, right? They were all women."

Mo Bingyou said indifferently: "Well, yes, they are all my former roommates."

Jiang Shuiyan didn't speak, and the white feather that was resting on her shoulder almost stood up.

Isn't it said that the sword is in the sword, and the sword is dead?These twenty or so people were all killed by Mo Bingyou?He yelled hurriedly: "Jiu Jiu!" Master, we can't stay!
Jiang Shuiyan said bluntly: "I don't use the sword used by the dead." In fact, she just didn't want to use the sword, so she just found an excuse.

Mo Bingyou gave a "hmm" and picked up a sword at random. The tassels on it were still very new: "Their master is not dead yet? You don't think I took these swords, do you? How could it be possible?" , they were abandoned by their masters."

Jiang Shuiyan was fainted by her.Wan Jianzong's disciples love swords the most, and they believe in the fact that the sword is in the human body, and the sword is dead, so it should be impossible to give up the sword, right?What's more, there are more than [-] here!

Mo Bingyou said: "I don't need to lie to you, just choose one."

Worried about a trap, Jiang Shuiyan stretched out his hand warily, and was just about to pick one at random, but the cry of the little golden dragon resounded in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Dissatisfaction was evident in that voice.

Jiang Shiyan changed again, but he still called out the same.It wasn't until after changing five times that she grabbed a heavy sword that Xiao Jinlong's voice became light.

Mo Bingyou was also stunned for a moment, and said: "You really know how to choose, and you just chose the best sword here."

Jiang Shuiyan also knows how to refine weapons, so of course he can see that the quality of the sword is good.But compared with Qing Mochen's Wuwang sword, it is one underground and one heaven.

Anyway, it's just a decoration, you can choose any one, Jiang Shuiyan asked Mo Bingyou when putting away the sword: "Will their original master come to seek revenge on me?"

 Haha, what time did you fight until the early morning?This year, I participated in another large project worth more than 1000 billion yuan!

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(End of this chapter)

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