Immortal is too strong

Chapter 215 Conflict

Chapter 215 Conflict (3)

Mo Bing smiled fiercely: "Of course it's impossible, they are too ignorant, they don't want to stay in my cave, so naturally they have to give up their swords, if they seek revenge on you, doesn't it mean that they will come back here Do you want to live in the cave?"

Jiang Shuiyan wondered, could it be that these people were tortured by Mo Bingyou so much that they couldn't stay any longer, so they made such sacrifices?

Mo Bingyou looked a little creepy, what inhuman thing did he do to them?To abuse them every day after class?

Jiang Shuiyan put away the sword. Mo Bingyou was worried that she could not control the sword well. She wanted to give some guidance. Who would have thought that the sharp sword was like a lamb in her hands. The sword did the trick.

She didn't leave with Mo Bingyou directly, but flew down: "You go first, I have something to do."

Mo Bingyou chuckled, glanced obsessively at Jiang Shuiyan, and flew in the opposite direction to her.

Jiang Shuiyan went to Bi Shuran's cave. When she arrived, four people walked out of the cave, and Bi Shuran was the last one.

Her face is quite stunning in the entire cultivation world, and there are tens of thousands of monks who were obsessed with her face in the previous life.

At this moment, when she saw Bi Shuran's three roommates and looked at her with straight eyes, she understood what they were thinking.

But before Jiang Shuiyan could move, Bai Yu screamed again and rushed in front of him.

Jiang Shuiyan looked down and saw that the little golden dragon was under Bai Yu's wings, tugging at his soft flesh.

She hurriedly pinned Bai Yu's wings, and then smiled at the three little disciples: "I'm here to find my junior brother."

"Oh, you are Miss Jiang, right? Seeing is worth seeing!" Zhang Haoyu squinted at Jiang Shiyan.

She has seen this kind of gaze on Yu Yuanfan too many times, and she can already ignore it naturally.

Ignoring him, Jiang Shuiyan walked up to Bi Shuran and watched him.

"Let's go to class together." Jiang Shuiyan invited Bi Shuran.

"Senior sister, you go first, I will go with them." Bi Shuran said with her head down.

Jiang Shuiyan wanted to ask something, but Bi Shuran's expression was too resolute, so she had no choice but to say: "Okay then, I'll go first."

When she flew away with the sword, Zhang Haoyu came over and put his arms around Bi Shuran's shoulders: "Good job, now you tell us about your senior sister, I heard that she lived with the ancestor for a while?"

This was not a simple question, Bi Shuran immediately became angry when he saw their wretched expressions.

No matter how you bully yourself, you can bear it, but you can't be obsessed with my senior sister!
He pushed Zhang Haoyu's arm away: "Not long after my senior sister went to Yonglin Valley, the immortal left, put away your dirty thoughts!"

"Yo, we're already living together, why are you pretending to be a chaste and strong woman? Look at your senior sister's troublesome appearance, she's born to seduce men, right?"

Bi Shuran blushed and yelled, "Shut up!"

After the words fell, he pulled out the sword without hesitation, and the Lihen swordsmanship surged out!

Those three people were almost hurt by his sword wind, they stepped back a distance, and looked at Bi Shuran angrily.

How dare a small eighth level of Qi refining dare to be arrogant in front of them?

Bi Shuran is young and his cultivation level is not high, he knows he can't beat these people.But after observing last night, he found that Zhang Haoyu's state was not stable.In other words, if you catch him and beat him alone, there is still hope of victory!
(End of this chapter)

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