Immortal is too strong

Chapter 216 Shu Ran, Thank You

Chapter 216 Shu Ran, Thank You (1)

The swordsmanship cultivated by the disciples of Wanjianzong is divided into several schools, all of which are the essence handed down by the powerful masters of Wanjianzong for thousands of years.

These sword techniques are suitable for different disciples because of their different styles.Some disciples choose to learn all sword techniques, while others specialize in one or more of them.

Among the tens of thousands of disciples of Wan Jianzong, there is no shortage of geniuses like Qing Mochen, who created their own swordsmanship on the basis of their predecessors.

As Jiang Shuiyan knew, like her in the previous life, the disciples of Wan Jianzong who were well-known in the Magnolia world all had their own characteristics in their swordsmanship.

However, in this world, people with mediocre talents accounted for the majority, so the most famous disciples of Wanjianzong, Wanjianguiyijian, were the most.

This swordsmanship can also be regarded as the entry-level swordsmanship of Wan Jianzong, and it has been carried forward by Yan Ming, the current master.It is suitable for most people to learn, precisely because this sword technique can attack and defend, and is very powerful and malleable.

He can fight alone or cooperate with others to display a powerful sword array.

These few roommates of Bi Shuran learned from Wan Jian Gui Yi.As for what Bi Shuran used, it was Jiang Shuiyan's self-created sword technique, which of course they had never seen before.

He started with a murderous aura, this battle was inevitable, but Zhang Haoyu and the others were not afraid.

They are three in the foundation building stage, and they are still three against one. How could they lose to a young disciple in the Qi refining stage?
Zhang Haoyu even drew his sword slowly, and even mocked Bi Shuran: "This is the sword technique taught by your little sect? It looks so useless..."

Before he finished speaking, Bi Shuran had already teleported in front of him with a swipe. If Zhang Haoyu hadn't dodged in time, half of his head might have been chopped off by Bi Shuran!
Even though I dodged, there was still some hair falling down slowly, the hair was too thin, looking down along the bottomless Dingkang Cliff, it disappeared soon.

Zhang Haoyu's complexion became very ugly, he couldn't figure out why Bi Shuran was able to get close to him?His cultivation base is a whole realm higher than him!

Bi Shuran missed the first move, and when the second move came again, the voice sounded coldly: "It is the most stupid to underestimate the enemy, do you want to die?"

Zhang Haoyu also became serious, and looked at the two companions beside him: "Let's go together!"

There are people fighting on Dingkang Cliff almost every day. As long as no one is killed, the teachers will not pursue who is responsible.

Originally, this place was the cruelest trial ground, and it was already difficult to save one's life.

Therefore, the disciples on Dingkang Cliff are no longer surprised by the struggle.But this time, when Yu Jianfei saw the movement here, he flew over and watched from afar.

Someone said: "Am I not mistaken? It's a Qi refining period, which matches the three foundation building periods?"

"The sword technique used in that Qi refining period was not Wan Jianzong's sword technique, but it was very powerful."

"There are a lot of swordsmanship with the sword moving forward. How many can beat Wanjian Guiyi? What's more, the difference in realm cannot be made up by swordsmanship."

"That's not necessarily the case, even if it's an idiot, you can kill all directions with a magic weapon."

"When the result comes out, I'll see how stubborn you are."

More and more people were watching, and they gradually noticed something.

"Is he chasing one of them to kill?"

That's right, Zhang Haoyu also felt it, no matter how the three people surrounded Bi Shuran, even if the other two made him slap him with blood, he would rather not dodge, and was chasing after him with all his strength.

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(End of this chapter)

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