Immortal is too strong

Chapter 317 Dan Fang

Chapter 317 Dan Fang (1)

Not long ago, Jiang Shuiyan saw this group of people. At that time, Jiang Shuiyan was standing on the ground and they were flying in the sky.

After leaving the group of ferocious vultures, these people still have undiminished momentum.After a stop on the street, Jiang Shuiyan noticed that other monks were afraid to approach him.

Jiang Shuiyan doesn't have that much face yet, dare to refuse the invitation of Young Master Baili.So she smiled gently: "All fellow Taoists, please lead the way."

After leaving Wan Jianzong, Jiang Shuiyan made a small formation to hide the knot in her hand.Checking the situation in the knot is also through the soul to prevent other people from noticing.

At this moment, Jiang Shuiyan was following the monks to the Baili Mansion, while untying the knot to see if he could get some tasks to do.

Originally, she had no interest in the "Number One Auction in the World", but there was a task on the scoreboard that seemed easy to complete.

The description of the task is to ask the disciple to record all the auction items and send a letter to Wan Jianzong.

You don't need to fight or kill, and you can earn a few hundred points, which is quite tempting.

She checked the number of people who had accepted this task, and there were only a few.

After being puzzled for a while, I figured it out.Either the other disciples couldn't come to Pingliang City to participate in the auction, or they didn't have the qualifications to enter the auction.

It seems that this task is not a test of memory, but a test of communication skills.

Jiang Shuiyan thought for a moment, and then took this task. Now the task list is updated too fast, and most of the disciples are anonymous, so no one noticed that it was operated by Jiang Shuiyan.

After walking for a quarter of an hour, Jiang Shuiyan was led outside an extremely luxurious mansion.Speaking of the mansion, in her opinion, it is already as big as a mortal imperial city.

The three powerful characters of "Bailifu" are engraved on the plaque, which seems to tower into the sky.As for how high the courtyard wall was, Jiang Shuiyan had to raise his neck to see the edge.

Inside and outside the courtyard, the Baili Mansion was guarded openly and secretly, and now she only saw the main entrance, and she didn't know what was going on inside.

Cultivators are different, such as Jiang Shuiyan, who doesn't care much about the cave.During the long journey of comprehension, I am afraid that he rested in the cave for a short time.

She will put important things in the storage space, and she will be connected with her soul.

Obviously, these aristocratic families have different ideas from hers.Every brick and tile here shows Hejiang Shiyan how unattainable they are.

Bai Yu has long been huddling on her shoulders without saying a word. He has never seen such a magnificent mansion. It is different from Wan Jianzong's singing of birds and flowers. It is very solemn here. Even if he listened quietly for a long time, he felt that many strong people breath, still no one made a sound.

Jiang Shuiyan sensed his nervousness, and reached out to touch his feathers. She touched the little golden dragon in her sleeve, and found him lying lazily inside, and the magnificent mansion didn't affect him at all.

She thought to herself, this little golden dragon is quite strong psychologically, he is neither curious nor afraid of anything.

She didn't know that the little golden dragon was Qing Mochen.With Qing Mochen's strength, what kind of cave he wants can't be built, and he will be regarded as a Baili family?

After going in and out several times, Jiang Shuiyan could no longer remember whether she had walked through the porch, how many courtyards she had passed, and finally, she stopped in front of a room.

"Fellow Daoist, please wait, I'll pass on the young master."

Not long after the man left, he invited Jiang Shiyan to enter.

(End of this chapter)

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