Immortal is too strong

Chapter 318 Dan Fang

Chapter 318 Dan Fang (2)

She tidied up her skirt and stepped into the room.As soon as she entered the door, she smelled a faint and clear smell. Only through the sense of smell, she thought of that noble man.

Turning around a screen, she saw a man sitting behind her.The white clothes on his body hadn't been changed yet, but as he got closer, he could see the patterns on his cuffs more clearly.In the layered clouds, there is a Xianglong in the sky.

Jiang Shuiyan shifted his gaze to his face, and the man looked at Jiang Shuiyan calmly and restrainedly.

She bent down and saluted: "At home, Jiangli, join the Baili Young Master."

Baili Yehan sat upright on the other side, with an overpowering air of nobility.He pointed to the seat not far away with his slender fingers: "Jiang Daoyou, please sit down."

Baili Yehan had been watching Jiang Shuiyan from the moment she entered the door to when she sat down.Looking at her dress, she looks like a casual cultivator, but her every move is very pleasing to the eye. She is probably a disciple of some great sect, who came out to practice.

Her cultivation base is not high, and she is a big difference from Baili Yehan.But in the face of Baili Yehan, Jiang Shuiyan didn't flinch at all, and sat down with a salute, his movements flowing smoothly.

He also noticed that there were spirit beasts on Jiang Shuiyan's cuffs and shoulders.It's just that the one on the shoulder is not like an ordinary white bird, and the one on the cuff is not like an ordinary golden snake.

Although he thought a lot, he only took a look at Jiang Shuiyan.After she sat down, Baili Yehan took out a small bottle and put it on the table.

"Is this Jiang Daoyou's stuff?"

Jiang Shiyan just sold the medicine, so she naturally remembered it, she nodded and said, "Exactly."

Baili Yehan smiled, the man who was already extravagant is now even more dazzling: "Jiang Daoyou's elixir is very good."

Jiang Shuiyan wasn't going to get flustered just because of Baili Yehan's compliment. Although Pingliang City wasn't the biggest city in the Magnolia Realm, its status in the Magnolia Realm was definitely not low.

The Lord in front of him looks like he was raised by the rich. What good things haven't he seen?So Jiang Shuiyan said modestly: "The young master Baili has won the prize."

Baili Yunhan saw that she was not in a hurry and saluted gracefully, with two points of appreciation in his eyes.Jiang Shuiyan was waiting for his next words.

Not long after, Baili Yunhan revealed his purpose: "Your qi-nourishing pill is much better than the ones on the market. I don't know how many herbs are needed to make such a furnace of pill?"

Jiang Shuiyan's elixir was extremely rich in aura, and Baili Yehan thought that she had concentrated the essence of a large number of herbs into it, otherwise it wouldn't be so expensive to sell a bottle of fifty middle-grade spirit stones.

Who knew that after Jiang Shiyan mentioned the dosage, he expressed surprise for the first time: "You only need such a small amount of herbs? But fellow Taoists obviously sell them at a high price."

Jiang Shuiyan smiled. Although she knew that Baili Yehan was powerful in Pingliang City, she didn't play tricks. She said honestly: "I think the guard is too arrogant and deliberately raised the price."

Baili Yehan also laughed. Jiang Shiyan always liked beauties, and talking to beautiful men made her feel very comfortable.

Regardless of whether Baili Yehan was a strong man or not, Jiang Shuiyan felt that there would be many people willing to follow him based on his face.

Baili Yehan did have a strong interest in pills, and he was not annoyed by Jiang Shiyan's actions: "I haven't returned to Pingliang City for a long time, and the people below are restless, and I have made Fellow Daoists wronged."

Jiang Shuiyan asked with a smile: "Young Master, don't you blame me for cheating?
Baili Yehan also responded with a smile: "If you're willing to sell, they're willing to buy, so why lie?"

(End of this chapter)

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