Immortal is too strong

Chapter 319 Pill Recipe 【Add more chapters】

Chapter 319 Pill Recipe (3) 【Add more chapters】

Jiang Shuiyan pursed her lips, her eyes were bright. "That's right, the young master can't admit that he was cheated, after all, you have..." Jiang Shuiyan pointed, "There is still a bottle."

Baili Yehan laughed even louder, and Cheng Yixuan, the guard beside him, was stunned.Although the young master would not say that he is cold-tempered, he is also serious.

This Jiang Li is very capable, he was able to make the young master so happy when meeting him for the first time.

Qing Mochen stayed well inside her sleeve, but seeing Jiang Shuiyan and Baili Yehan having a happy conversation, he crawled out of her sleeve with a low air pressure.

After Baili Yehan saw it, he said sincerely: "You are a good golden snake."

Jiang Shuiyan waved his hand lightly: "It looks pretty, but it's not very useful."

Qing Mochen bared her teeth, how dare she look down on him so much?Also, why did Jiang Shiyan keep smiling at Baili Yehan?
He took a critical look at this man, a young Golden Core, do you still want to compete with him for a Taoist partner?

He turned into a spirit beast just to develop a relationship with Jiang Shuiyan.With his body wrapped around Jiang Shiyan's hand, he thought he was swearing sovereignty, but Baili Yehan didn't pay attention to him.

"I think Fellow Daoist Jiang is straightforward, so I'll tell you straight. I want your recipe for nourishing qi pills. Please ask fellow Daoist to make a price."

When Jiang Shuiyan came, he guessed that he was going to raise Qi Dan, but he didn't expect that he would directly attack Dan Fang.

Sure enough, he is a child of an aristocratic family, not stupid.

The prescription of this Yangqi Pill is not worth much, because Jiang Shuiyan taught it to too many people.If she doesn't sell it, someone else will.

But Jiang Shuiyan is also a profiteer, she said calmly, "It's not easy for me to get this recipe, I didn't want to sell it at first, but I hope, I can make young master Baili a friend."

Baili Yunhan was taken aback for a moment, and Cheng Yixuan beside him said angrily: "How much face do you have, you still want to be friends with our young master?"

"Yixuan, don't be presumptuous."

"Yes, my lord."

Baili Yehan was always accurate in judging people, but he couldn't guess how many cards Jiang Shuiyan had.

"Since you and I share similar interests, I am naturally willing to make this friend, but if it is only a verbal agreement, it is still unfair to the fellow daoist. Please ask the fellow daoist to make more requests."

Jiang Shuiyan looked at Baili Yehan quietly, and said to himself, how could such a man go to the point of betraying his relatives in his last life?
Suppressing the doubts in her heart, she smiled: "I don't have too much request, how about it, I heard that the auction is about to start, can the young master give me an admission ticket?"

"No problem." Baili Yehan has always been generous to those who he thinks are worthwhile, "In addition, I will give you another 1000 yuan of high-grade spirit stones for your expenses at the auction."

1000 yuan, a top-grade spirit stone?That's not a small amount.Rao is a hookah, and I am too embarrassed to ask for it.

"No need. You will soon know, young master, that this alchemy is not a rare item, and it is not worth giving me so much."

Baili Yehan appreciated Jiang Shuiyan even more: "You must accept it, and treat it as a gift from my friend to you."

Jiang Shuiyan was kidnapped for two lifetimes, and countless people died at her hands. For the first time, she felt embarrassed.

When Jiang Shuiyan took the Lingshi and the admission ticket and left, the roots of Jiang Shuiyan's ears were still a little red.

Baili Yehan had a lot of work to do, so he didn't personally send Jiang Shiyan away.

When she left, Cheng Yixuan asked unwillingly: "Young master, how could you treat him so well! He has already said it all, this pill recipe is not hard to come by!"

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(End of this chapter)

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