Immortal is too strong

Chapter 323 Auction

Chapter 323 Auction (1)

The reason why Jiang Shuiyan could see Baili Yehan was because he opened the side door, so that the two boxes seemed to be connected.

The confidentiality of VIP-level boxes is very good. Unless they want to show up, it is impossible for others to know their identities.

But, Baili Yehan was in Tianzi No. [-] room, and this Pingliang City was their Baili family's territory, so everyone could guess who was sitting inside.

Jiang Shuiyan was surprised that she would have such a good position.Isn't Baili Yehan being too generous to her?
She was also a little embarrassed that this time she only brought 1000 yuan of high-grade spirit stones, which was given to her by Baili Yehan.

It's impossible for everything to be cheap at this auction. It would be too embarrassing for her to occupy a good position all night and not buy anything...

Thoughts were going back and forth, but Jiang Shuiyan didn't show it on his face.She walked to Baili Yehan's box, as soon as she stepped in, her eyes changed.

It turned out that not only did he arrange people to protect him, but there were also many people patrolling secretly.

It may also be a high-level monk raised by the auction house itself to prevent someone from smashing the field.

"Young Master Baili." Jiang Shuiyan cupped his hands calmly.

Baili Yehan also saluted her back: "Friend Jiang Daoist."

Jiang Shuiyan expressed his gratitude: "I actually have such a good box, thank you, Young Master Baili."

Baili Yehan smiled noblely: "No need, as long as Fellow Daoist Jiang doesn't dislike it. The auction will start in a while. Would you like Fellow Daoist Jiang to come to my box?"

Jiang Shuiyan hurriedly shook his head: "No need."

I was already shy in my pocket, wouldn't it be embarrassing to be in front of him?

Just as he was about to go back, Jiang Shuiyan saw a person approaching Baili Yehan with a hurried expression, and whispered something.

Baili Yehan's expression didn't change, but after the man backed away, he stood up. "Jiang Daoyou, I have something to do, so let's leave first."

Jiang Shuiyan smiled and nodded: "Okay, I'll go back too."

He walked back to his box, because no one dared to close the side door without Baili Yehan's order.

Jiang Shuiyan was secretly looking at the decoration of the auction house, and saw Baili Yehan came back, and he brought a little girl with him?

She couldn't help showing a ambiguous smile, and also, Baili Yehan is so handsome, there must be many girls who like him.He is also a teenager, and it is normal to be emotional.

It was she who looked at this girl's back, how could she be a little familiar?
Just as she was thinking, the side door was about to be closed, and the girl also turned her head.With just one glance, Jiang Shuiyan's expression became extremely complicated.

Because this is not a "girl", but Baili Yunhan!Jiang Shuiyan still can't forget that he lifted up his skirt to himself, saying that he is so cute, he must look like a boy.

Baili Yunhan, Baili Yehan...should be brothers, right?
Just as Baili Yehan went out, he brought Baili Yunhan in.Yun Han showed his nameplate at the door, but no one believed it.

Yun Han is obviously a young master, how could he wear women's clothing?

They didn't let him go, and Yun Han didn't leave, so the servant took his nameplate and went to Baili Yehan.

As soon as Yehan heard someone say it, he knew that his cheap cousin had returned.This man liked to wear women's clothing since he was a child, and he refused to change after repeated admonitions. In desperation, his family threw him to Wan Jianzong, hoping to sharpen his masculinity with sword intent.

When Yehan went out and saw Yunhan, he almost pulled out his eyeballs.

 Update~ Poor guy, please ask for a recommendation ticket, bookmark and leave a message, thank you very much~ I should have read all the comments in the book review area (some were deleted by the system, I didn’t have time to read), I will remember everyone’s opinions~

(End of this chapter)

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