Immortal is too strong

Chapter 324 Auction

Chapter 324 Auction (2)

It is said that he is practicing on the cruel Dingkang Cliff?Why are you dressed in colorful clothes, like a peacock?

As a normal man, he couldn't appreciate Baili Yunhan's attire, so he didn't want him to be ashamed outside, so he hurriedly took him back to the box.

Baili Yunhan found a seat on his own and prepared it. He took out the memory jade token and thanked Ye Han obediently: "Thank you, cousin."

Baili Yehan didn't like his cousin very much, he felt his eyes hot at the first glance, and said coldly: "Call me young master outside."

"Oh." Yun Han muttered softly, "I haven't seen you for a long time, my cousin is still fierce and not cute at all."

When Ye Han heard his words, he twitched his brows twice: "Who wants to be cute!"

Yun Han even made a playful grimace: "Slightly~"

Baili Yehan covered his eyes, really unwilling to look at him.This younger brother of his family definitely got the wrong gender when he was reincarnated. If he was a woman, he would definitely be a heartthrob just based on his looks.

The auction is about to start, and people are coming to other boxes one after another. Compared with Jiang Shiyan's low-key, Feng Xiaoran is absolutely high-key.

He entered the box with crowds from front to back. He had an extremely evil appearance, and the waiters around him were all handsome men and beautiful women. The group attracted a lot of attention.

Even if they didn't leave, the corridor seemed to still carry their scent.

There were also ordinary seats in the auction house, and he looked up at Feng Xiaoran's box, and whispered, "Demon Xiu just entered Pingliang City in such a blatant way? Didn't he already break with Renxiu?"

The companion also replied in a low voice: "This Pingliang City does not restrict this, just do business if you have business, regardless of whether you are a human cultivator or a demon cultivator."

Jiang Shuiyan also saw Feng Xiaoran in the box, and she was in the box next to her.

For some reason, looking at the man's face, she felt a little creepy.

Qing Mochen slowly climbed from her wrist to her shoulder, and asked her in dragon language: "Where is your memory jade token?"

Only then did Jiang Shuiyan come back to his senses, and took out the jade plaque.The lights in the auction house gradually dimmed, only the bright ones on the auction stage.

She gave up looking for Su Wangan's location, and was going to concentrate on recording the auction items later.

In this auction, there is no list of auction items. The organizer released a sentence at the very beginning: "Bring enough money, this auction will definitely have something that will make you crazy."

Jiang Shuiyan used her spiritual consciousness as a pen, and her primordial spirit was crystal clear like dew.

After a brief opening, the first auction item appeared on the auction stage.Jiang Shuiyan took a look and was speechless.

Why is it that she made the nourishing qi pill?If I remember correctly, it was the one she sold at the gate of the city before!
A host said cheerfully: "Mid-grade Yangqi Pill, a top-grade spirit stone will be sold from now on!"

Jiang Shuiyan's eyes widened, what the hell?Such a pill is worth a high-grade spirit stone?Then she sold 50 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones before, didn't she lose money?

The buyers in the audience were also very puzzled, complaining critically: "Where is the Yangqi Pill? I still need you to buy it? Are you stupid?"

The host is a very playful little girl with an excellent figure, her body is wrapped in a tight skirt, and her slender and tender legs are looming inside.

"Everyone knows that some time ago, at the gate of the city, someone sold Qi Yang Pills, which caused a sensation?"

Someone couldn't wait to ask: "This is it?"

"Yes! There is only one left, if you don't buy it again, you will lose your chance!"

(End of this chapter)

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