Immortal is too strong

Chapter 338 The Monster Makes Chaos

Chapter 338 The Monster Makes Chaos (1)

"Hmm." Jiang Shuiyan unwrapped the knot subconsciously, and found that a mission had been updated, and the mission location was here.

Task requirements: strangle the culprit of cholera Quanshu Town, and reward [-] points.

Jiang Shuiyan's eyes widened, there was a thousand?The monsters she killed before only had a few hundred points at most.

Now that we are here, it would be too bad to leave without completing a task. Jiang Shuiyan clicked to receive the task, and touched Bai Yu's little head: "I hope there are other benefits to get besides points."

Just after accepting the task, an additional request popped up: from tomorrow onwards, you must wear the disciple uniform of Wan Jianzong.

Jiang Shuiyan understood that this was gaining prestige for Wan Jianzong.But she is on the territory of Dan Fuzong, is it realistic to wear the clothes of Wan Jianzong's disciples?
As the night darkened, Jiang Shuiyan held his breath and flew out of the window.She hovered over the town, trying to find out what was going on.

But it was still the same as what I saw during the day, everywhere was quiet, and the appearance of the monsters making trouble in my imagination did not exist at all.

Jiang Shuiyan held Qing Mochen in his hands: "Look, what's wrong?"

Qing Mochen didn't say anything, but stared at Jiang Shuiyan's fingertips for a long time.Just now she used this hand to touch Bai Yu's head.

He had recently discovered that Jiang Shuiyan obviously liked Bai Yu more than touching himself.

So he said lightly: "Touch me first."

Jiang Shuiyan was taken aback, and looked at him in surprise: "What?"

"Touch me." After finishing speaking, he poked his little head over.

Jiang Shuiyan had no choice but to swipe and pull on it, rubbing Qing Mochen's body to the side: "Is it all right?"


Jiang Shuiyan listened intently to what he said afterwards, but he said, "I didn't see it either."

Um? ! !If you can't see it, let me touch you!
Jiang Shuiyan was so angry that he stopped investigating and went back to the inn to rest.

In the evening, Jiang Shuiyan meditated in the spirit-gathering array, using the collected thin spiritual energy to cultivate.A voice sounded in Bai Yu's mind.

It was an indifferent male voice that hadn't appeared for a long time: "Why do hookahs prefer to touch you?"

Bai Yu shuddered and wanted to wake up, but he couldn't open his eyes no matter what.The sound shocked him so much that his soul trembled.

He thought it was a nightmare, and said fearfully, "Probably because I'm furry." Don't girls like furry things more?It feels very comfortable.

Qing Mochen understands, but he has no hair, it seems that Bai Yu can only be made to be like him.

Bai Yu slept more and more deeply, and when he woke up the next day, he felt his head was chilly.

But he didn't take it to heart, he felt that he had just woken up and his body was cold.Turning his head, he pecked his feathers twice, and then flew to the mirror, wanting to see if he looked better today.

As a result... A shrill bird cry scared Jiang Shuiyan so much that he opened his eyes.

She saw Bai Yu in front of the mirror for the first time... she was stunned for a moment, and burst out laughing.

Hahaha, why is the fluff on Bai Yu's head gone?Now I can only see the pink and tender meat, like a fluffy chick, Jiang Shuiyan clutches his belly and laughs hard.

Now that Bai Yu wanted to die, she looked at Jiang Shiyan with tears in her eyes: "Master! There is a pervert in this town who pulled out all my hair!"

(End of this chapter)

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