Immortal is too strong

Chapter 339 The Monster Makes Chaos

Chapter 339 The Monster Makes Chaos (2)

Jiang Shuiyan wanted to answer him, but just as he opened his mouth, he snorted again.

Bai Yu was even more sad: "Master, you are still laughing at me! Don't even say help me find the culprit!"

She took two deep breaths, and her face flushed with suppressed laughter: "Um...hahaha...cough cough," she couldn't laugh, couldn't laugh, and said silently twice before she continued, "I promise, I will catch this thing out... …Hahaha……"

When Jiang Shuiyan was talking, she glanced out of the corner of her eye and saw Qing Mochen obediently lying beside her.He looks like a little golden dragon now, and the collar he wears around his neck has become bigger, with round black beads.

Everything was normal at first, but she saw that there were small white fluffs in Qing Mochen's paws!
Jiang Shuiyan frowned, and pulled his paws away, the sleepy Qing Mochen opened his eyes in a daze, at the moment he looked so innocent and harmless.

She pointed to the fluff and asked, "What is this?"

The voice attracted Bai Yu, and he rushed over, and immediately recognized that it was his hair, and immediately became even more sad: "How can you grab my hair! Look at me, I am bald!"

Jiang Shuiyan was quite angry at first, but after hearing Bai Yu's words, he couldn't hold back and laughed again.

With such a smile, Bai Yu was so angry that he almost ran away from home.

She hurriedly coaxed him: "Stop laughing, really stop laughing." After that, the two of them interrogated Qing Mochen together, but he only said lightly, "I don't know either. It must be sleepwalking."

If Qing Mochen was a year ago, he would never be able to say this, it is the white feather he plucked, what's wrong?
But following Jiang Shiyan for so long, he has changed a lot.His intuition told him that it was absolutely impossible to tell the truth at this moment.

Jiang Shuiyan didn't ask why, Bai Yu was too angry to get angry, anyway, he just ignored Qing Mochen.

The sun was just right, and Jiang Shiyan was about to go out to investigate, when he suddenly heard a commotion.

She opened the window and looked down from the second floor, and saw several young men and women arriving at the inn.

These people were all wearing the clothes of Dan Fuzong, three Danxiu, one Fuxiu, and one... Jiang Shuiyan blinked his eyes, right?Baili Yunhan?

Wait, she took back what she said just now... There are no girls at all, and the few in the Dan Fuzong are all men!He thought there was a woman because he didn't see Baili Yunhan's face.

But obviously, those people in the Dan Fuzong didn't realize that he was a man. It was the first time they saw such a cute "little girl". In this remote and humble place."

Baili Yunhan's voice was also very cute, and there was a slight dimple in his smile: "It's okay, I brought a small cave." He added in his heart, asking for it from my brother.

At that time, Jiang Shuiyan left without saying goodbye, and Baili Yehan was a little disappointed. He didn't like Baili Yunhan's attire, so he asked him to leave quickly.

Baili Yunhan stuck to his side, refusing to leave no matter what.Yehan finally gave in and gave him a cave that could be shrunk.

After hearing Yun Han's words, Jiang Shuiyan thought that Baili's family was really rich.

She changed into Wan Jianzong's clothes in the morning, and she was on the second floor at the moment, and she didn't deliberately hide her figure.Several people looked up, and the first thing they saw was the clothes belonging to Wan Jianzong.

So the leader, Jiang Gufeng, bowed his hands to Jiang Shuiyan first: "It turns out that he is a Taoist friend of Wan Jianzong."

His three companions all looked at Baili Yunhan excitedly: "Sister Yunhan, look, this is your classmate!"

 If Immortal Venerable is put on the shelves in the future, there will be more updates on the same day. If the follow-up is not good, it will be more and more if it can be written. If it can’t be written, it will not be less than now.
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(End of this chapter)

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