Immortal is too strong

Chapter 340 The Monster Makes Chaos

Chapter 340 The Monster Makes Chaos (3)

There were too many people on Dingkang Cliff, and Baili Yunhan didn't know Jiang Shuiyan after his disguise, but he didn't mind, and just smiled sweetly: "Young brother also came out of the sect to practice? My name is Yunhan."

Omitting his last name, it seems that he didn't want Jiang Shuiyan to find out that he was a big boss in women's clothing.

Jiang Shuiyan slowly flew down from the second floor, standing on the left shoulder was Qing Mochen who had turned into a small snake, followed by flying white feathers.

"Hello Senior Brother Yunhan, my name is Jiang Li. I wonder what mission Senior Brother Yunhan received?"

Hearing her call senior brother, Baili Yunhan's eyes flickered, and he didn't deny it.Jiang Gufeng and the others felt that Jiang Shuiyan had a problem with his eyes. Such a cute girl was called a senior brother?
All missions can be viewed, and Baili Yunhan didn't hide anything: "There are monsters making trouble in Quanshu Town, I want to put an end to this disaster. Junior Brother Jiang Li probably also received the mission?"

Jiang Shuiyan nodded, pretending to be friendly and said: "That's right. I don't know what the senior brother can investigate?"

When she asked, several members of Dan Fuzong changed their expressions.They said to Jiang Shuiyan: "Fellow Daoist Jiang, come with us, this is not a good place to talk."

Jiang Shuiyan went with them to the newly opened room, looked at the talisman cultivator in the group, and silently used the talisman method to set up a spiritual formation. With just one hand, Jiang Shuiyan was sure that this talisman cultivator was not low in attainments.

Because he took advantage of the terrain of the room to completely isolate the room without any effort.

As soon as Yun Han entered the room, several people asked him to sit down.Then Jiang Gufeng said to Jiang Shuiyan: "For the future, please Jiang Daoyou keep it a secret for us."

Jiang Shiyan nodded solemnly: "Definitely."

Immediately, Jiang Gufeng told Jiang Shuiyan about their investigation.

It turns out that Quanshu Town used to be very lively, because it was close to the Danfu Sect, and monks always settled here.So even ordinary people can get some cultivation resources every year.

Over time, more monks were born in Quanshu Town.

However, since the past two months, monks in the town have disappeared one after another.Dan Fuzong didn't take it seriously at first, thinking that there was an internal struggle.

Gradually, all the monks disappeared, and even the corpses could not be found, so the Pill Talisman Sect sent disciples to check.

Jiang Gufeng wiped his face: "As a result, none of those brothers were alive or dead. We are the third batch of monks who came here, and we don't know how many days we can stay in the town."

From the description, Jiang Shuiyan seemed to be quite scary.But she analyzed a few points, and just about to talk to them, Yun Han said: "I have summed up some rules. First, they only attack monks; second, before it only attacked people in Quanshu Town Cultivator, now start targeting us outsiders."

Seeing his wise expression, Jiang Shuiyan said in his heart: "..." Isn't this easy to infer?Why is it so difficult to be told by him?
As a result, the four members of the Danfu Sect followed his example: "Sister Yunhan is right!"

"Sister Yunhan is so smart!"

Jiang Shuiyan pursed her lips: "..." To be honest, she really wanted to see the expressions of these four people when they knew that Baili Yunhan was a man.

She hooked her lips and gave a smirk, not planning to remind them at all now.

But we still need to continue talking about the business, Jiang Shuiyan asked: "Besides, is there any rule for the disappearance of monks?"

When Jiang Gufeng answered Jiang Shuiyan's words, his expression faded a lot, obviously he didn't like her "man" very much.

People in the town recalled that before the monks disappeared, there were lively sounds in their rooms.So we suspect that this monster captured the monks by distinguishing the sound.

Jiang Shuiyan searched carefully from his memory. Are there any spirit beasts that are sensitive to sound?

(End of this chapter)

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