Immortal is too strong

Chapter 341 Joining forces

Chapter 341 Joining forces (1)

There are quite a few spirit beasts listening to their voices, how do we investigate and find out how to deal with them?
Just when Jiang Shuiyan was at a loss, there was a sudden burst of laughter.

Jiang Shuiyan looked up, and saw Yun Han pointing at the white feather behind her and smiling: "Hahaha, is this the spirit beast raised by you, Junior Brother Jiang? What kind is it? Why is there no hair on its head?"

He was the focus of everyone, and when he spoke, everyone looked at Bai Yu in unison.

Bai Yu was so irritable that she groaned and burrowed under Jiang Shuiyan's arm, and even wanted to burrow into her cuff.

Such a narcissistic bird is completely shameless at the moment.Being ridiculed by others, he wanted to die!

Baili Yunhan didn't have many encounters with Jiang Shiyan on Dingkang Cliff. He had never seen Qing Mochen, but he had heard that Jiang Shiyan was accompanied by a white chirp.

But now Jiang Shuiyan's appearance has changed too much, and Bai Yu still has a bald head, Baili Yunhan never thought that it was Jiang Shuiyan's spirit beast.

Originally, Bai Yu's current appearance was very funny, and several members of the Danfu Sect also laughed, and the sense of distance from Jiang Shuiyan was slowly drawn closer.

Jiang Shuiyan also wanted to laugh, but she was afraid of losing Bai Yu, so she protected him and coughed twice: "He is just shedding his hair, and it will grow back later, stop laughing."

A few people couldn't stop at all. They were still apprehensive when they mentioned that weird monster, but now they laughed so hard that they almost forgot where they were.

Fu Xiu Xinran was originally very taciturn, but now there was a smile that couldn't be hidden from the corner of his mouth.

Jiang Shuiyan reached out to pat Jiang Gufeng beside him: "Stop laughing!"

"Hmm..." After glancing at Bai Yu, another hahaha came.

Bai Yu couldn't take it anymore, she returned to the spirit world in a flash.

Everyone thought it was Jiang Shuiyan who put him in the spirit animal bag, which was quite a pity.But Baili Yunhan didn't pester Jiang Shuiyan, asking her to release Bai Yu.

Enough laughing, it's time to discuss business matters, since everyone is on the same boat, Jiang Shuiyan thought of the strategy and was very serious.

She asked: "This monster is sensitive to sound, can we set a trap and catch him?"

Several members of the Pill Talisman Sect fell into deep thought. Baili Yunhan felt that Jiang Shuiyan's method was feasible: "We have sword cultivators, alchemy cultivators and talisman cultivators here. It's easy to set up traps, but you have to be prepared. For example, if someone The bait has to be left outside to guard."

As soon as these words came out, several members of the Danfu Sect began to echo: "Yes! What Junior Sister Yunhan said makes sense!"

Jiang Shuiyan: "..." I just watched them holding their stinky feet quietly.

However, the finalized plan does center on this.

They didn't rest at night, and they worked together to make a big formation and blessed the spell.

Jiang Shuiyan did not participate in the formation of the formation, and Qing Mochen leaned on her shoulders, whispering in a dragon language: "These people are not bad at skills." , superimposed, there will be a huge power.

However, Qing Mochen quickly poured cold water on him: "It's not as if I have [-]% strength and can't stop that thing."

Jiang Shuiyan couldn't help but roll his eyes: "You said they are not as good as you?"


"Then you set up an array."

Qing Mochen: "..." If his cultivation is still there, will it be these people's turn to take care of Jiang Shuiyan?

Seeing that he was silent, Jiang Shuiyan said leisurely: "You are always talking big things at such a young age." Even so, if there is doubt, Jiang Shuiyan's first thought was to discuss with Qing Mochen.

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(End of this chapter)

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