Immortal is too strong

Chapter 345 Being Captured

Chapter 345 Being Captured (2)

"What did we do last night? There was no sound in the room, and we didn't notice it?"

"Yeah..." Rubbing his aching head, he asked in horror, "It's definitely not easy to take the four of them away without disturbing anyone. In my opinion, let's go back to Dan Fuzong and the elders quickly." Let us report."

The companion nodded: "Agreed. We can't act rashly, we must pass the news out."

The two fled like this. When the old man of the inn came to clean the room the next morning, he found that they were all gone.

He sighed, wondering if the monks disappeared or left overnight.Hope it's the latter.


Jiang Shiyan closed her eyes and felt limp all over.Her ears moved, listening carefully to the sounds around her.

There are water droplets, but no light.Was it placed in a dark cave?
Suddenly, a cold breath blew past, the skin on Jiang Shuiyan's back was taut, and he had to pretend that he didn't notice anything.

The breath swam away from her for a while, and stopped by her hand.Along the way, Qing Mochen was biting Jiang Shiyan's wrist, so she was bleeding there.

Jiang Shuiyan didn't dare to open her eyes, let alone use her consciousness. The unknown space made her feel nervous.

Fortunately, Qing Mochen immediately wrapped his body around her wrist to stop the blood from flowing.The monster probably only heard the sound, without a drop of blood, it gradually backed away from Jiang Shuiyan, and went to check the people nearby.

After about an hour, Jiang Shuiyan made sure that there was no such cool breath around, and slowly opened his eyes.

She didn't dare to move too much, after all, that thing could hear the sound.In addition, she was weak and tired, and her eyes could only move slightly.

She guessed right, this is indeed a cave, but the practice that was taken away was not in it.Although there were no dead bodies, there was a strange smell in the air.

Jiang Shuiyan communicated with Qing Mochen with his spiritual sense: "How far is it from Quanshu Town?"

Qing Mochen didn't answer, Jiang Shuiyan thought he was also stunned, so he had to figure out a way by himself.

Without Qing Mochen to advise her, she is still not used to it.I want to pat myself on the face and ask her when she still likes to rely on others.

Just as she was thinking, she heard Qing Mochen's voice transmission, still in the dragon's language: "A hundred miles away."

Jiang Shuiyan's expression froze, and he walked half a night before he walked a hundred miles?It seems to be the real thing.

With the answer, she slowly gathered her soul, and when she recovered a little bit of strength, she looked sideways.At this moment, her body was tied to a pillar, and the black and red stains on it... were bloodstains?
Opening her eyes suddenly, she knew what the strange smell was!It is the rotten smell emitted by blood, which has been integrated with this cave.

The people next to her were all tied to dirty pillars like her. The most urgent task was to wake them up and restore their sanity and cultivation.

But what is she going to do?Can't move at all!She looked down, and recognized that the rope that tied her was also a spiritual weapon, and it was the immortal rope that Moxiu especially liked to use.

This kind of spiritual weapon is not difficult to destroy, but it is very sinister.It specializes in absorbing the spiritual power of people. Too many people rely heavily on their cultivation. Without spiritual power, they can't do anything.

She tried to use Yuanshen to communicate with Jiang Gufeng and others, but it was a pity that nothing came of it.Just when Jiang Shuiyan was at a loss, Qing Mochen, who was originally wrapped around her wrist, moved.

 Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai, other children have received recommendation tickets and messages~ Baby pinch~~~

(End of this chapter)

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