Immortal is too strong

Chapter 346 Being Captured

Chapter 346 Being Captured (3)

Jiang Shiyan's wound was no longer bleeding, but there were blood stains sticking to his body.

When Qing Mochen was crawling, Jiang Shuiyan sent him a voice transmission in doubt: "What are you going to do? They have been stunned by the nightmare beast!"

He moved silently, making Jiang Shuiyan terrified.This nightmare beast is one of the fierce beasts in the demon world. It can enter dreams and eat dreams. It has different appearances, beautiful and ugly.It cannot perceive light, and has been hunting by sound.

The reason why it is so certain that it is the nightmare beast is because the demon cultivator in the previous life also used these beasts to invade the realm of the human cultivator.

The methods of demon cultivators are extremely vicious, as long as they can harm human cultivators, they are willing to use any method.Jiang Shuiyan suffered from fierce beasts in her previous life, so she suspected it was a nightmare beast from the very beginning. When everyone else was stunned, she also set aside a part of her soul, fearing the pain, and never fell asleep.

Jiang Shuiyan thought that Qing Mochen was going to wake up Baili Yunhan and the others, but who knew that he actually climbed up little by little along Jiang Shuiyan's arm.

While crawling, he thought disgustingly in his heart: He doesn't want to touch those people.

The fabric on Jiang Shiyan's body was very soft, and when Qing Mochen was crawling, his warm body stuck to it, which made Jiang Shiyan feel itchy and strange.

Slowly, Qing Mochen crossed over her chest and stood on her shoulder.

The bundle of fairy ropes wrapped around her body in circles, starting from the position near her shoulders, her hands were tied tightly and she couldn't move.

Half-opening her eyes, she saw Qing Mochen transform into small claws and measure them twice against the bundle of celestial ropes. The tip of the sharp claws radiated a little bit of starlight in the dark cave.

Jiang Shuiyan asked in amazement: "Little Jinlong, what are you going to do? This is the fairy rope! You can't stop drawing it!"

Qing Mochen said indifferently: "Whether it can be broken or not, you have to try it to know."

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Shuiyan saw a flash of cold light, he raised his claws and fell, and the bundle of fairy ropes was actually cut by him!

Her hand could move in an instant, and when the fairy rope was falling, she quickly grabbed it with sharp eyesight and held it tightly in her hand, not letting it move a little bit.

Her spiritual power still hasn't recovered much, compared to the surprise just now, she is now looking at Qing Mochen in complete surprise. "You are amazing!"

Qing Mochen glanced at her indifferently, with a hint of complacency.Even if he lost his cultivation, he could still help Jiang Shiyan.

Jiang Shuiyan quietly put the entire fairy rope on the ground, and then led Qing Mochen to cut the ropes on Jiang Gufeng and Xin Ran's body.The two big men were quite heavy, and she almost missed it.

After putting them on the ground, Jiang Shuiyan's fingertips transformed into a thin icicle.Its temperature was very low, and Jiang Shiyan put ice on the necks of the two people, thinking it would stimulate them to wake up, but they still didn't respond at all.

She sighed in her heart, she slept too much, being completely controlled by the nightmare beast.

The last one to save was Baili Yunhan, he was much lighter than the first two men.

Seeing that he was sleeping soundly, Jiang Shuiyan was about to repeat the same trick when Baili Yunhan suddenly opened his eyes and stared fiercely at Jiang Shuiyan.

After seeing clearly, his eyes turned into surprise.

Just as he was about to speak, Jiang Shuiyan covered his mouth and sent him a voice transmission: Don't make a sound.

Baili Yunhan nodded, and replied with divine sense: I thought I had caught this thing.

Jiang Shiyan was puzzled: You didn't fall asleep just now?

He said: Well, but I didn't hear you.

It seemed that they both had their hole cards, and the two exchanged a tacit look.

(End of this chapter)

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