Immortal is too strong

Chapter 347 Nightmare Beast

Chapter 347 Nightmare Beast (1)

The disciples from Dingkangya were extremely vigilant.Noisy last night, but Baili Yunhan was always vigilant.

The white mist became thicker, and he also noticed it.

It's not like Jiang Shuiyan has Qing Mochen, who has a strong spiritual intelligence, to help him wake up his mind. He put his soul in the small cave that Baili Yehan gave him.

Yun Han knew very well about the financial resources of the Baili family.With the help of Xiaodongfu, he managed to stay awake.

But he couldn't untie the fairy rope, and when he was at a loss, Jiang Shuiyan came.

Yun Han's body gradually became less tense, but the sound transmission was still eager: "What is it that caught us?"

Jiang Shuiyan said lightly: "I guess it's a nightmare beast."

"Nightmare beast? How did Moxiu bring that thing here?"

"I don't know."

In the previous life, there were tens of thousands of demon cultivators staring at the master, and she had no idea who the nightmare beast was at the beck and call of.

Baili Yunhan has lived for decades and has read many books, but he rarely encounters monsters.Different from ordinary spirit beasts, monsters are more ferocious and bloodthirsty. If there are any harm to the world, many people will stand up and kill them.

The first time he came into contact with the nightmare beast, he was still a little curious and excited, but more worried.

The Nightmare Beast has no facial features, and its beauty and ugliness are uncertain, because most of the time, it exists in the form of white mist.The white mist that can enter the dream can easily confuse the monk's mind.Moreover, he has no strength, and few spells can effectively attack him.

This is also what Jiang Shuiyan was worried about. Her Bi Qingjue was not very useful against the nightmare beasts, so could Qing Mochen use coercion?If it could, it would be impossible for it to take them away.

Yun Han clenched his sword hilt tightly. Although it looked like a pretty little girl's face was tightened, Jiang Shuiyan felt the terrifying aura on him.

The Baili family declined in the previous life, so there were no children of the Baili family among the young generation who were astonishingly talented in the Magnolia Realm.

But judging from her contact with Baili Yehan and Baili Yunhan, these two people are not small.

Read it again, it's a pity.

Baili Yunhan asked her via voice transmission: "Do you have any magic weapon that can deal with him?"

Jiang Shuiyan shook his head lightly: "No."

Baili Yunhan's face was even colder, because he didn't either.The two people on the ground, because they got rid of the fairy rope, their spiritual power is recovering little by little.

One of them is good at alchemy, and the other is good at making talismans, so it is estimated that they will not have much effect on the nightmare beast.

Jiang Shuiyan actually knew a nightmare beast's weakness, but she didn't tell Baili Yunhan because she wasn't sure if Yunhan, who was talking to her now, really got rid of the nightmare beast's control.

This thing is smart, and it is very easy to manipulate people to cultivate.

Standing up slowly, Jiang Shuiyan explored the surrounding environment lightly.This cave is indeed not small, and it is unknown how many monks died here.

Around the clearing where they were, was surrounded by a circle of water-like things.But only from the smell, it is absolutely impossible to be water.

Jiang Shuiyan stared at it for a while, and the sticky liquid was pale green for a while, and dark blue for a while.Her face changed, and she thought of someone.

There is a person in the magic cultivator who is particularly good at refining puppets, and this kind of liquid flows in their bodies.

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(End of this chapter)

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