Immortal is too strong

Chapter 351 Strangling

Chapter 351 Strangling (3)

After a real test, she found that the nightmare beast was not as powerful as she imagined. It seemed that his real body was not here, but still in the territory of the demon cultivator.

What appears now is probably just a trace of the soul of the nightmare beast.Jiang Shuiyan felt in her heart that the Nightmare Beast was very powerful, but just the soul was enough for her to deal with it.

Baili Yunhan and the others also noticed that the pressure on them had eased, but without Jiang Shuiyan, they didn't dare to stop, so the flashes of swords and swords and the bang of spells could be heard endlessly.

During the fight, they took a look at Jiang Shiyan from the angle.Obviously she was still wearing the ordinary Wan Jianzong attendant, with a tall and thin body and a plain face, but when she was playing the banjo, everyone had an idea: she is so beautiful.

Soon, the three men came back to their senses.What are you thinking?Think a man is beautiful?

Forcing themselves to look away from Jiang Shiyan's face, they concentrated on dealing with the enemy in front of them.

The music that Jiang Shuiyan is playing with the five-stringed qin now is to counter-control the Nightmare Beast.He was good at dreaming, and Jiang Shuiyan made him overwhelmed, forcing him to disperse the fog by himself.

It's easy to say, but in fact, every time she plays, she has to calculate hundreds of times in her mind, which is very difficult.

Fortunately, it worked. The Nightmare Beast calmed down and the fog shrunk.


Feng Xiaoran, who was thousands of miles away, felt the movement of the Nightmare Beast's consciousness.He smiled sinisterly: "Who is so bold and wants to control the nightmare beast?"

His slender and pale hands stretched out from his sleeves, he made a mark in the air, and threw it thousands of miles away.

Qing Mochen was originally wrapped around Jiang Shuiyan's wrist, paying attention to the music she played and the state of the nightmare beast, and naturally found the mark vigilantly.

In the blink of an eye, he and Bai Yu communicated: "Come out!"

Before Bai Yu could react, her body suddenly appeared in front of Qing Mochen.

Qing Mochen flashed his paws at him: "Block the mark."

"What?" Bai Yu quickly understood, there was a black mist hitting the nightmare beast straightly.

He was already very aggrieved in the spirit world, and felt that he couldn't help Jiang Shiyan. At this moment, he screamed and rushed towards the mark.

Instead of resisting with his body, his sharp beak slammed onto the black mark.

As soon as he touched it, he realized how low the temperature of the black mark was, almost freezing his beak in half!

A male voice sounded in his mind, and he was chanting a spell.Bai Yu didn't have time to think about it, and followed the incantation to circulate his spiritual power, only feeling that his dantian seemed to be being burned by heavenly fire, and with a whistling sound, a fire light really shot out from his mouth!

The black mist disappeared under the burning of the fire, and Jiang Shuiyan's tune was played at this moment.

With the last voice, Jiang Shuiyan looked at Bai Wu coldly: "Break!"

I saw that cloud of mist that was quiet just now suddenly distorted, and it was actually eating away at myself!

The green water in the distance was billowing, and Jiang Shuiyan wanted to save the nightmare beast, "Xin Ran, control the green water!"

After Xin Ran got the order, he threw out a few spells, and the turbulent green water immediately calmed down.

Not long after, the Nightmare Beast ate itself clean, leaving only a little bit of water vapor in the air, and the chilly feeling was no longer there.

There was sunlight shooting in from outside the cave, Jiang Shuiyan stretched out his hand, and lightly blocked it.

Baili Yunhan and the others stopped with scars on them, stared blankly at Jiang Shuiyan and asked, "Are you done?"

"not yet."

 Update, where are today's recommendation tickets and comments?Remember to collect it!


(End of this chapter)

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