Immortal is too strong

Chapter 352 Strangling

Chapter 352 Strangling (4)

They raised their hearts again, but saw Jiang Shuiyan pointing at Lushui: "We have to get rid of this thing."

The big stone in my heart suddenly fell.The Nightmare Beast couldn't deal with it, and everyone vented their anger on the green water.

Jiang Gufeng took out the poison elixir, and when a few elixirs went down, the green water evaporated until even the water vapor disappeared.

He looked at Jiang Shuiyan, saw her nodded, and couldn't help raising his hands and cheering: "Great! It's a success!"

Baili Yunhan and Xin Ran also looked at each other with a smile and clapped their hands.

Feng Xiaoran, who was thousands of miles away, noticed that his mark had been destroyed. He guessed that the other party had Tianhuo, and his face was very ugly.

After refining so many puppets, the consciousness of the nightmare beast has been wiped out.He kicked the batian dog: "Go to the Danfu sect." He wanted to see which monk from the Danfu sect was so capable.

Some subordinates would like to ask, are you not looking for Jiang Shiyan?But seeing Feng Xiaoran's extremely gloomy expression, he didn't dare to speak.

And in the territory of the demons, the real nightmare beast screamed violently.He turned fiercely on the ground in circles, the pain in his soul made his body twist continuously.

Unlike Feng Xiaoran, he remembered the person who made him lose his soul, and also learned from Xin Ran's memory that his name was Jiang Li.

The Nightmare Beast swears that one day, this Jiang Li will not be able to survive or die!

Jiang Shuiyan didn't care if she was hated by the nightmare beast or not.Anyway, this appearance will change after leaving the territory of Dan Fuzong.

The sky is big and the earth is big, why did you come to me?Do you think you are as powerful as Qing Mochen?
Jiang Shiyan's banjo also turned into water droplets and fell to the ground.She dusted off her clothes, feeling refreshed. She had just defeated the Nightmare Beast. Although she was not in a good mood, she had a thousand points in the account, and her ranking was already close to the top [-]. It was quite a joy.

Suddenly, she noticed that the surroundings were quite quiet, and the three people on the opposite side were all staring at her, and when they saw her looking over, they turned their heads in embarrassment.

In the end, Jiang Gufeng was pushed out, he scratched his head, and sincerely thanked Jiang Shuiyan: "Jiang Li, if it wasn't for you this time, the three of us would definitely not be able to escape the nightmare beast's control, thank you."

Jiang Shuiyan smiled: "No, without you, I can't attract his attention."

Just now Baili Yunhan also received a point reward, but only [-] points, and the knot judged that his task was not completed perfectly.

He knew that the [-] points could be obtained because of Jiang Li. Jiang Li threatened him, and he still had a bit of a grudge, but now he doesn't know it at all.

He took the initiative to stand up and asked Jiang Shiyan: "Where are you going next?"

Jiang Shuiyan said: "Haven't thought about it yet." Looking at Baili Yunhan, he didn't say that he wanted to go with him.

Who knew that Baili Yunhan would actually invite her: "The Pill Talisman Sect is about to open the Dao of Pills, the Dao Talisman Competition, do you want to go and see it?"

Alchemists and talisman masters have always been favorites in the Magnolia Realm. He is making connections with Jiang Shuiyan. Maybe Jiang Shuiyan can get to know a lot of alchemy and talisman cultivators when he goes there this time, which will be good for his future travels in the Magnolia Realm .

But Jiang Shuiyan has no interest in the disciple's trial at all, her alchemy and formation are already much stronger than the disciples of the same period.

Just about to refuse, Jiang Gufeng also kindly invited her: "Jiang Daoyou, you can go with us! This time you strangled the nightmare beast, our sect would like to thank you!"

Xin Ran also persuaded her: "This matter must have something to do with the demon cultivator, we need your assistance."

Jiang Gufeng threw out another trump card: "The Pill Talisman Sect also has pills for spirit beasts!"

(End of this chapter)

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