Immortal is too strong

Chapter 353 Grabbing Credit

Chapter 353 Grabbing Credit (1)

Qing Mochen was wrapped around Jiang Shuiyan's wrist, and Bai Yu was limply held in Jiang Shuiyan's arms.

Everyone didn't pay close attention to the scene of Baiyu breathing fire just now, but they also knew that it had made great contributions.

Although he destroyed the black mark, his mouth was also injured. He was usually so cheerful and active, but now he doesn't chirp except for moaning.

Qing Mochen's consciousness was exhausted to leave, and now he was drowsy, if it wasn't for fear of another accident, he might have fallen asleep long ago.

Jiang Gufeng's words reminded Jiang Shuiyan.When she subdued Bai Yu in her previous life, her cultivation level was not low, and it was easier to hunt treasures, so she didn't deliberately feed any pills to spirit beasts.

Now that Bai Yu and Qing Mochen were both injured to varying degrees, if he led them on the road rashly, something might happen to Jiang Shuiyan.

She and Jiang Gufeng confirmed: "Is there anyone in the Pill Talisman Sect who specializes in spirit beast pills?"

"Of course." When mentioning his sect, Jiang Gufeng was very proud, "Not only spirit beast pills, but also all kinds of poison pills, beauty pills, and even Huaichun pills."

Huai Chun Dan, in layman's terms, is... aphrodisiac...

Although Jiang Shuiyan was a little speechless, he still made up his mind: "Okay, I will go with you."

Jiang Gufeng and Xin Ran looked at each other and smiled happily.

Record the appearance here with the memory jade tablet, and Jiang Shuiyan accompanied them on the road.

The Nightmare Beast was strangled, and Quanshu Town in the distance finally saw the sun, and there was no white steam shrouded in it anymore.

The people stared out the window blankly, unable to believe their eyes.

The Nightmare Beast moved slowly, because it was floating in the air in the form of white mist, and it took a whole night to float a hundred miles away. Jiang Shuiyan and the others walked with their swords, and a hundred miles was only an instant.

When they arrived at Quanshu Town, Jiang Gufeng and Xin Ran reassured the town's appearance, saying that the monster had already been strangled by their disciples of Danfu Sect and Wanjian Sect, so that the people in the town didn't have to worry anymore.

The people were very happy, and just cheered twice, but someone rushed out in a panic: "Since the monster is killed, what about the person who was taken away by them before?"

The person who came was a young woman with a baby in her arms.Her husband disappeared a few days ago and never came back.

Jiang Gufeng was silent, facing that earnest gaze, he didn't know how to explain, her husband might have become a puppet.

The woman in front of her has no spiritual roots, can't cultivate, and her lifespan is no more than a hundred years.She couldn't deal with the monster, and she didn't even have a chance to meet the puppet.

Seeing their silence, the woman's heart sank.The long hope was shattered, her eyes were full of tears, she hugged the child and backed away: "Don't tell husband is definitely alive and well, but he can't come back now..."

Her sobbing made the people in the town think of other monks. Originally, under the protection of the Danfu Sect, Quanshu Town was stable and rich. Who knew that disaster would come from heaven.

Jiang Shuiyan stood where he was, thinking for the first time, what kind of catastrophe the breakup between the human cultivator and the demonic cultivator would bring to the Magnolia Realm.

The life of a monk is already very small, let alone these ordinary people?The way of heaven is ruthless, they can only struggle hard.

It was a very happy thing to defeat the Nightmare Beast, but when the four of them left Spring Tree Town, they were all silent.

After flying for a while, Jiang Gufeng said: "The other two companions have already returned to the Danfu sect."

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(End of this chapter)

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