Immortal is too strong

Chapter 354 Grabbing Credit

Chapter 354 Grabbing Credit (2)

It's a clumsy change of subject, but people can't help but agree.

Baili Yunhan pouted and said, "When I saw them, I had to ask, why didn't you go and save us?"

When approaching Dan Fuzong, they met two people, Mu Jin and Ban Yanran.

Ban Yanran didn't know that Baili Yunhan was a boy, but seeing him and Jiang Shuiyan wearing Wan Jianzong's clothes, their eyes lit up.

They entered Quanshu Town this morning, and saw that the town was full of weirdness, so they left after a while.

However, according to the location Ban Yanran received, Jiang Shuiyan was nearby, so she naturally didn't fly far away.

Hearing that the Pill Talisman Sect was about to hold a Dan Fu Grand Competition, Ban Yanran told Mu Jin that they wanted to go and have a look together.

Mu Jin enjoys spending time with her very much, and he will accompany her wherever she wants to go.

The moment he saw Ban Yanran, Jiang Shuiyan took Bai Yu and Qing Mochen into the spirit world.

Jiang Gufeng and the others were all at the Foundation Establishment Stage. When they first saw the Golden Core Stage monks, they were still from the Wanjian Sect, and they all bent down to salute: "See brothers and sisters, we are disciples of the Danfu Sect."

Yun Han and Jiang Shuiyan also clasped their hands together: "Participate, brothers and sisters."

Ban Yanran was outside, her expression was always gentle, as if she had no airs of Jindanqi. "No need to be too polite, you are Dingkangya disciples, come here to practice?"

"Yes." Yun Han replied.

Ban Yanran saw that he was cute and beautiful, and said in a soft voice: "Then besides you, are there any other disciples nearby? The two of us are going to the Danfu School, so we can just go together."

Jiang Shuiyan glanced at Ban Yanran calmly, while Yun Han was already shaking his head; "I didn't see it."

The disappointment on Ban Yanran's face flashed, but Jiang Shiyan caught it.She sensed something was wrong.

In Pingliang City, she met Ban Yanran by chance, and it can be said that they all went to the auction, but this place is so far away from Pingliang City, where is it not good for Ban Yanran to practice, why not come by her side?
He was unconsciously turning the knot in his hand, and Jiang Shuiyan's eyes fell on it.

This formation is so exquisite that it should be able to determine her position.But now, several teachers including Mei Ran should know where she is.

Could it be that someone revealed her location to Ban Yanran?

Jiang Shuiyan pursed her lips, her face a little cold.This class Yanran holds grudges very much, if she doesn't cultivate well, is it interesting to chase her all day long?If she wasn't a woman, she really doubted that Ban Yanran liked her.

Although Ban Yanran didn't meet "Jiang Shuiyan", she still went to Dan Fuzong with Jiang Gufeng and others.Danfu Dabi, she felt that Jiang Shiyan would also be watching.

When they reached the gate of Dan Fuzong, several people put away their swords and dropped them on the ground.

At this moment, there was a long queue in front of the gate of the Danfu Sect. The people who came were all visiting the Danfu Sect. Many disciples of the Danfu Sect were registering with jade cards.

In previous years, anyone who practiced the Danfu Dabi could come to watch it, but this year, the Moxiu was not allowed to enter, because it was for the safety of the Danfu sect.

As for other people's cultivation, as long as they have reached the Foundation Establishment Stage, they can enter.

Jiang Shiyan was still among the crowd queuing to enter, and saw a few acquaintances.Yu Yanghong took his wife and son with him, and He Xuefei was by his side.

Although the sect was exterminated, the clothes they wore were very gorgeous, as if they were afraid that others would look down on them.

Jiang Shuiyan didn't see the other elders of the Lingping Sect, nor did he see Lu Jinyu.She didn't care about the former, but when she thought that Lu Jinyu might be killed, she felt a little melancholy.

(End of this chapter)

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