Immortal is too strong

Chapter 355 Grabbing Credit

Chapter 355 Grabbing Credit (3)

Jiang Gufeng led them to the front of the team.When passing by He Xuefei and the others, Jiang Shuiyan listened to He Xuefei and muttered in a low voice: "Why can they jump in line? Is it because they are from Wan Jianzong?"

At that time, Ban Yanran hadn't appeared in her sight, and when she saw it, she immediately shut up.

During this period of time, Yu Yuanfan had a bad life.Without the position of the young master of the sect, without his fiancée, there is He Xuefei by his side at his beck and call.

The most important thing is that the cave was destroyed, and there were no spiritual treasures and elixir for cultivation.They publicized the fact that Jiang Shiyan was half human, half demon, and returned to the cholera sect, but no one helped them catch Jiang Shiyan.

To put it bluntly, they have no power and power now, everyone is busy practicing, there is no benefit, who dares to go to Wanjianzong to make trouble.

At this moment, Jiang Gufeng was showing his token with his fellow seniors, saying that several members of Wan Jianzong were all brought by him.

Seeing him coming back, his senior brother was very happy: "It seems that the trouble in Quanshu Town has been solved?"


"Come in quickly and report to the head! You kid, you have done a lot of credit this time!"

Jiang Gufeng and others entered the Danfu Sect in such a mighty way, Yu Yuanfan waited for them to go far, and complained to his mother: "If the Bell Bottle Sect is still there, we still have to queue so long if we want to enter the Danfu Sect time team?"

In the words, there is also a vague blame for the parents.His mother also heard that his tone was wrong, so she could only coax him now: "Son, don't be impatient, father and mother will definitely make a comeback."

Yu Yanghong also said without shame: "It's not that Jiang Shuiyan's fault, when Dad catches her, I will help you crush her."

Yu Yanghong smirked: "It's better not to kill her." She is a good water spirit root.

Jiang Shuiyan didn't know what they said, and she didn't care at all.

She is going to follow Jiang Gufeng to meet the head of Danfu Sect, Qiu Qing.

There are quite a few sect families in the Yulan Realm, and most of them are men as the suzerain, but this Danfu sect is an exception, their head is a woman.

To become the head of the Dan Fu Sect, one must have a high level of cultivation and a good means.Although Qiu Qing has not been in office for a long time, Jiang Shuiyan still admires her for treating the old stubborn ones of the Danfu sect in a submissive manner.

When we arrived at the grand meeting place, Qiu Qing hadn't come yet.Ban Yanran and Mu Jin were taken to the residence in Houshan, and Jiang Gufeng stood there waiting for the four of them.

Jiang Shuiyan lowered her head and looked at the radiant jade floor, which reflected her now plain face.

She is thinking about one thing.If Jiang Gufeng and others talk about her playing later, it is inevitable that Qiu Qing will pay more attention to her.

If the investigation continues, if she has to hand over the piano score, it will be troublesome.

Thinking of this, she used her spiritual sense to communicate with Qing Mochen: "Can you come out for a while?"

Qing Mochen crawled out from the spirit world and wrapped it around Jiang Shuiyan's shoulder.

Before Jiang Shuiyan said her request, Qing Mochen said calmly, "I'll help you watch Qiu Qing."

She glanced at Qing Mochen with satisfaction, and waited for a while.Qing Mochen suddenly said: "She is here."

Jiang Shuiyan adjusted her facial expression. Originally, she was not very good-looking now, but raising her eyebrows made her even more annoying.

She arrogantly said to Jiang Gufeng: "Haha, I'm really lucky this time. You can attract the nightmare beast's eyes and consume the nightmare beast's physical strength, so I can attack him from behind without any scruples."

 Sorry for the late update, today's message and vote?

(End of this chapter)

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