Immortal is too strong

Chapter 362 Shot

Chapter 362 Shot (1)

It can balance the taste of herbs and extract the essence of herbs, but the proportion is very important to grasp.

Jiang Shiyan doesn't like bitter things very much, such as the nourishing qi pill, which tastes very good.

Back then in the Magnolia world, her elixir also had a place, and was very popular with women and children. Many big families bought elixirs with different tastes from her at high prices.

There is also an alchemist who buys it back to study, and wants to know how she improves the elixir, but there are too many herbs that can produce sweetness, and it is rare to understand it through research.

However, there is a person who only ate one and knew it.

Jiang Shuiyan's eyes turned cold when he thought of Qing Mochen.She has been wondering, what is there that this man can't do?
Qing Mochen saw Jiudingcao now, and wanted to ask Jiang Shiyan, many of the pills she refined in her previous life were made with Jiudingcao, does she still remember?

Worried that his identity would be revealed, he closed his mouth.

The training time of Jiuding Yao is not short, because it is delicate, so it needs the care of monks.Jiang Shuiyan thought the process would be smooth, but she frowned when she approached the medicinal field of Jiudingcao.

Ran Qing's reaction was bigger than hers. She rushed up to check for a while, and asked with a livid face, "Who is in charge of this medicine field?"

Soon, a dry man ran over.Jiang Shuiyan made a judgment. The bone age of this person was only over 50, but because he was in the Qi refining period, he looked much older than Ran Qing.

The man's name is Li Yong, and he has been in charge of the Nine Cauldrons Grass. Because of his low cultivation, his status in the Danfu Sect is not respected.

Facing Ran Qing, Li Yong immediately bowed his head and admitted his mistake: "Senior Sister Ran, there is something wrong with the Nine Cauldron Grass, I have already reported it to the people in the sect... But recently, the Danfu Grand Competition is about to start, only two groups of people came, and I haven't seen it yet. Find out what the problem is..."

Ran Qing pointed at the medicinal field of Jiudingcao. It was supposed to be a lush green medicinal herb, but it turned light red at the tip.

If you look with your spiritual sense, you will find that the inside of the Jiudingcao has been eroded by this red thing, and all the rhizomes are full of red dots.

"How long has this problem been going on?"

"Less than three days."

"It can deteriorate like this in three days? Li Yong, do you know what will happen if you cheat me?"

Li Yong knelt on the ground with a thud, and looked like he was about to cry. His thin face seemed to be squeezed together at this moment: "Senior Sister Ran, I really didn't lie to you. From the time I discovered the symptoms to now, it just happened. Three days!"

Ran Qing took a deep breath, feeling that Li Yong didn't have the guts to lie to herself.She asked again: "What did the person who came to check the situation say?"

Li Yong told the truth: "They said it might be a worm. They applied the deworming medicine twice, but it didn't work. They checked the surroundings and found that the red spot didn't spread, so they said... say..."

Seeing that he was stammering, Ran Qing said grimly, "Don't hesitate! What did you say!"

"Tell me to pull out this piece of Jiudingcao and plant it again..."

Ran Qing was annoyed and laughed: "Replant, what are you kidding, I'll have to wait a few more months?"

Naturally, Li Yong was unwilling, so he just pointed to this piece of Jiudingcao to live.In the medicine field, there are other senior brothers who have planted Jiudingcao, but they are not as good as him.

Now that there is a problem with his medicine field, those senior brothers might not know how to mock him.

(End of this chapter)

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