Immortal is too strong

Chapter 363 Shot

Chapter 363 Shot (2)

Ran Qing scolded Li Yong with a cold face: "Come with me and see what's wrong."

Li Yong hurried over and stood in front of a medicinal herb together with Ran Qing.

Jiang Shuiyan's face was very calm at the moment, looking at Ran Qing, his eyes were full of inquiry.

It will be clear soon whether Ran Qing is born with the aptitude to cultivate spiritual grass.

After a while, Ran Qing said uncertainly, "This is a bug? I don't think it looks like it."

Jiang Shuiyan's heart sank.

Li Yong also echoed: "I don't think it looks like it, it seems that the herb has been infected."

Ran Qing: "If the deworming medicine doesn't work, it means it's not a bug. I happened to bring some antidotes to see if it works."

Jiang Shuiyan looked at Ran Qing's back, and silently stood a little further away.While watching Ran Qing and Li Yong busy, Jiang Shuiyan unconsciously raised his wrist and touched Qing Mochen's back twice.

Qing Mochen was not used to her movements at first, probably due to the nature of spirit beasts, and he was not defensive against Jiang Shuiyan, so he turned his body over and gave Jiang Shuiyan his slightly soft belly. exposed.

Jiang Shuiyan didn't pay much attention to his small changes.

Ran Qing had already sprinkled the antidote on a plant of Jiudingcao, and she and Li Yong both looked at it intently with their spiritual sense.

After a while, the antidote slowly melted the red spots in the rhizome, and Ran Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Yong thought that Ran Qing had cured the "poison" of Jiudingcao, and was grateful to her. In order to thank her, he planned to give her Jiudingcao for free today.

"Senior Sister Ran, thank you so much! You are indeed Yao Lao's retreat disciple, and your reputation is well-deserved!"

Hearing this, Jiang Shuiyan couldn't help laughing.

Ran Qing's ears were very sensitive, and she turned to look at him: "What are you laughing at?" How many of the Danfu Sect dare to laugh at her?

Jiang Shuiyan blinked at her innocently, and pointed behind her: "Look."

Ran Qing thought what happened?Turning her head back naturally, she saw a thin red mist in front of her eyes, she quickly stepped back two steps, for fear that the thing would get on her body.

After patting the clothes hard twice, Ran Qing's face turned dark.

Because the red mist came out of the Jiudingcao that she had just sprayed.Originally, the Jiuding grass could be salvaged, but now it is completely dead, even the roots are broken.

Doesn't this scene mean that her universal antidote is not working?Li Yong took two steps back tremblingly, fearing that Ran Qing would anger him.

Now that Ran Qing thought about it, she really didn't have the time to talk to him. She thought about it a lot.

She can join Yao Lao's sect, which shows that she still has potential and wisdom.But it didn't take long for her to be complacent, and she discovered that her fellow seniors and seniors were all more talented and more diligent than her.

She rushed to catch up, but for some reason, she has been stagnant in the past few years. Although the master didn't say anything, he must have felt that she had "hurt Zhong Yong".

The more you want to break through, the more pressure you have, and the less you can achieve good results.Now that even a single medicinal herb can't heal her well, does she still need to go to her master to complain and ask her senior brothers and sisters for help?She can't afford to lose this man!
Holding the medicine bottle tightly in her hand, she murmured: "I must have given too much antidote just now to burn Jiudingcao to death. I will reapply the medicine now!"

The quality of this piece of Jiuding grass is not bad, Jiang Shuiyan doesn't want Ran Qing to destroy it.

So she dissuaded: "Your antidote is useless to this red spot."

(End of this chapter)

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