Immortal is too strong

Chapter 364 Shot

Chapter 364 Shot (3)

Ran Qing shouted angrily: "What do you know as a swordsman? Stay away from here!"

Jiang Shuiyan snorted softly: "I really don't know what to do. If you don't believe me, just apply the medicine and see if the other Jiudingcao will be burned to death."

Ran Qing also fell in love with Jiang Shuiyan: "How could the antidote given to me by Master be useless! I will prove myself in front of Bai Jiujiu now!"

Bai Yu: "..." What does it have to do with me.

This time, Ran Qing used magic to sprinkle a bottle of antidote on the Jiudingcao.The area of ​​the medicine field is very large, and a bottle of antidote is just enough for half a dollar.

Soon, the Jiudingcao in this half of the medicine field returned to its green appearance, but Li Yong was not happy at all.

Ran Qing raised her chin to Jiang Shuiyan and snorted softly, "Did you see it? I just said it's useful."

Jiang Shuiyan said coldly: "Your hands are really fast!"

Ran Qing was stunned for a moment, then turned her head suddenly, and saw a large piece of red mist appeared on the Jiudingcao again!And the red mist has a tendency to drift around!
Li Yong's face turned pale with fright: "Senior Sister Ran, quickly think of a solution, the antidote won't work, and other medicine fields will also be infected!"

It doesn't matter if the harvest in one of his medicine fields is not good, if it hurts other people, he won't be able to survive here!
Thinking of this, he looked at Ran Qing resentfully.She is good at everything, Yao Lao's little apprentice, loved by her senior brothers and sisters, and when she gets into trouble, someone will help her clean up the mess.

What about yourself?Although it is only a period of refining Qi, is it necessary to die in vain?

Ran Qing was stiff, Ling Guang's brain couldn't move anymore.It was the first time she encountered such a thing, and she really didn't know what to do.

Jiang Shuiyan was completely sure, and didn't know the reason why the herb was infected, so she applied the medicine rashly. Ran Qing was so good at cultivating elixir in her last life, she must have got some treasure.

She was very interested in that baby, and was going to find a chance to cut off Ran Qing's beard.

Now is not the time to think about these things, we must hurry up to rescue this piece of Nine Cauldron Grass.

Ran Qing was still in a panic, her face was pale, when she saw Jiang Shuiyan approaching, she stretched out her hand to push her away, and ran straight to the medicine field.

While running, she was still making seals, and the sky suddenly shrouded in a cloud.

Jiang Shuiyan kept spelling spells, and the cloud began to rain.Because of her control, the raindrops only fell on this red mist medicine field.

Ran Qing felt that the water droplets would definitely not have any effect, but a miraculous scene happened, the red mist was completely controlled by the rain!

The red mist no longer drifted away, but mixed with the water droplets and landed on the ground.

Jiang Shuiyan closed the cloud, and made a seal with his hands in reverse.

Ran Qing didn't know what she was going to do, so she walked over slowly, stepping on the muddy ground that had just rained, stepping deep and shallow.

"What are you going to do... Let's go to my master, this poison is too cruel, we can't cure it!"

Although Jiang Shuiyan was forming a seal, it was different from when she was dealing with the Nightmare Beast. At this moment, she still had the time to talk to Ran Qing, "Who said it was poison? It's the Red Cloud Bug!"

Ran Qing's eyes widened: "You said it was a bug? How is it possible, the insect repellant is useless to them!"

Jiang Shuiyan started to chant the mantra, without explaining to Ran Qing again, as she chanted one after another, a fire dragon appeared in the sky.

Ran Qing was even more astonished, realizing what Jiang Shuiyan was going to do, and wanted to stop her: "Don't burn it! If you burn it, it will be gone!"

Li Yong was already disheartened, and even Ran Qing couldn't help it. It seemed that his medicine field was really hopeless.

It doesn't matter if it burns, he should replace the soil and plant another piece.

When Jiang Shuiyan was concentrating, Ran Qing wanted to reach out to touch her, but she heard a low hiss, and looked closely, there was a snake standing on Jiang Shuiyan's shoulder!
(End of this chapter)

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