Immortal is too strong

Chapter 365 Solving Problems

Chapter 365 Solving Problems (1)

Like many girls, Ran Qing was afraid of this limp reptile.Now Qing Mochen has vertical pupils, staring at her coldly, it is obvious that if she gets closer, he will attack.

She couldn't see Qing Mochen's cultivation level, so she only took two steps back, staring at Jiang Shuiyan vigilantly.

It can't be seen that the spirit beasts chosen by this unremarkable male monk are so special.

Jiang Shuiyan doesn't care about Ran Qing, she is now controlling the fire dragon, roasting the Jiudingcao parasitized by the red worm.

From Ran Qing and Li Yong's point of view, it was the fire dragon rolling up and down, burning the Jiudingcao inside and out.

In fact, that is just an appearance. In fact, the water spirit root in the water mist controls the temperature of the fire dragon, and when the fire dragon sweeps the Jiuding grass, there will be very thin flames, which penetrate into the Jiuding grass, and follow the veins of the herb. The red bugs were driven out.

Gradually, a messy mist was emitted from the heads of Jiudingcao in the whole medicine field.

The fire dragon's movements continued unabated, and Jiang Shuiyan separated a part of his consciousness, and set up a barrier around the medicine field.

Unlike the previous aura enchantment, that thing has no effect on Hongxia worms. Jiang Shiyan used water this time.

The crystal water curtain, a thin layer, surged from the ground, bent and converged at the apex in mid-air.

Ran Qing and Li Yong were also wrapped in this enchantment, and they were dumbfounded by the scene afterwards.

Jiang Shuiyan drove the Hongxia worms out of Jiudingcao's body with tiny sparks, and then the water curtain isolated them in the barrier, and they had nowhere to go but fled in all directions.

After all the red worms in the Jiudingcao were dispersed, Jiang Shuiyan scattered the fire dragon's body, as if a huge fire cover had been put on the head of the Jiudingcao.

Hongxia worms didn't dare to get close to the fire, and rushed towards the water curtain vigorously, some of them almost rushed out.

After Ran Qing saw it, she screamed and pointed there: "Hurry up and stop them, they are going to run!"

Jiang Shuiyan smiled lightly: "I found out earlier."

The fire light protected the Jiudingcao very well, while the water curtain in the sky was gradually shrunk by the water smoke.

This was a very labor-intensive task, but Ran Qing found that Jiang Shuiyan didn't seem to be strenuous.

At first, the cover was quite large outside the entire medicine field, but gradually, it became a sphere, only half the size of the medicine field.

Jiang Shuiyan clasped her hands tightly, and then slowly opened them. A small water polo appeared in her palms.

And she fiddled with the water polo, rounded and flattened it, and the magic is that the ball in the air has the same change as this little water polo!
The timing was about the same, Jiang Shiyan compressed the big water polo to the extreme, it was only about the size of a watermelon.

So many red bugs gathered here, turning the water polo into a deep red. If you didn't know it was a bug, you might think it was as bright as a ruby.

Stopping the water polo in the palm of his left hand, Jiang Shuiyan waved his right hand, and the tongue of flame flew into the air, forming a giant dragon again.

Then Jiang Shiyan threw the water polo in his left hand into the air, the fire dragon opened its mouth wide, and put the water polo in its mouth!

Hearing a majestic dragon cry, the water polo was crushed by the fire dragon with a crackling sound, and the red worms inside were also burned clean by the high-grade pill fire.

Jiang Shuiyan hooked his fingers, and the fire dragon happily turned into a small cluster of flames, wrapping around Jiang Shuiyan's fingertips in circles.

Jiang Shuiyan smiled at it, this time he has done a great job.

The sky became clear again, the water vapor offset the remaining fire, and there was freshness after the rain in the air.

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(End of this chapter)

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