Immortal is too strong

Chapter 370 Famous

Chapter 370 Famous (3)

It is worth mentioning that the distribution of disciples of Dan Fuzong is different from other sects.

For example, Wan Jianzong will distribute according to the contribution to the sect, and this Dan Fuzong has to be bought by oneself.

Disciples with high talents sold the medicinal herbs at a low price, refined the medicines and sold them, and made a lot of money by reselling them.

So don't look at the raise of the price by the cultivator, for the small rich like Dan Fushi, the spirit stones spent are just drizzle.

In order to have an advantage in the competition, some disciples will take the initiative to raise the price and ask the cultivator to sell all the herbs to him, so that others will not be able to buy them if they want to buy them.

After one disciple did this, more people followed suit. For a while, the front mountain of Dan Fuzong was empty, and disciples flocked to the back mountain, forming a once-in-a-hundred-year grand scene.

At first, Qiu Qing thought it was because the disciples were very enthusiastic about the Danfu Dabi, and she was very relieved, but gradually, she realized that something was wrong.

More and more people mentioned the name Jiang Li.

After inquiring, she turned the medicine field of Dan Fuzong into a world-shaking change!And Jiang Li is only at the foundation stage!How scary!
Qiu Qing recalled that a few days ago, she teamed up with Jiang Gufeng and others to strangle the Nightmare Beast.I'm afraid the specific process is not as simple as Jiang Gufeng and others said.

It's a pity that she had already chased Jiang Shiyan away, so she couldn't ask any more questions.

During this period, Qiu Qing concealed her consciousness and went to the medicine field to have a look.In the end, she found out that the disciples were robbing good herbs, and before the Dan Fu Dabi started, sparks were full of sparks among them.

Some fought violently on the spot, and some maliciously bought medicinal herbs.Qiu Qing was very distressed, and made a few drastic regulations, asking the disciples to return all the extra herbs to the cultivator.

She also found out the disciple who was the first to drive up the price, and punished him by "not being allowed to participate in this Danfu Competition".

The incident alarmed the head of the sect, and those old alchemy cultivators who had been retreating for alchemy all day long and didn't hear anything outside the window also heard about it.

They left the customs one after another, and went around the medicine field one by one.Well, the quality of this herb has indeed been improved a lot, but they have lived for a long time and can refine more high-grade pills, so they are not too surprised.

Compared to Yao Tian, ​​they were more curious about Jiang Li, and wanted to know about his talent.

If it is a good seed, then dig him from Wan Jianzong.What's so good about practicing swordsmanship? It's hard and poor. Jiang Li doesn't look very good-looking, so he probably won't be able to be handsome by dancing swords.

So several Danxiu including Yao Lao got together to discuss: "Will this Jiang Li know how to refine medicine?"

"Looking at the way he cultivates medicinal herbs, it doesn't seem like he can't."

"Then let's find him and let him take a look at the Furnace Pill?"

"Why bother, you forgot that the Danfu Grand Competition is about to start? It's not like he didn't come to play in previous years, so let's give him a place to participate this year."

"Okay, okay, let's do it."

It turned out that the matter was settled without any discussion with Jiang Shiyan himself.

When Jiang Shiyan received the notice, she was still drying medicinal herbs in her yard, thinking she had heard it wrong.

The messenger was an acquaintance, Jiang Gufeng.

Now Jiang Gufeng looks at Jiang Shiyan with hot eyes and envy, and he is full of interest: "Is it a surprise, is it a surprise? In the past, our Danfu sect hated those who came to play games, but this year we even took the initiative to give you a place! You can Compete with us!"

Jiang Shuiyan put away the spirit grass and looked at him: "No... I don't want to participate in any Danfu competition at all..."

(End of this chapter)

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