Immortal is too strong

Chapter 371 Loading Waste Materials

Chapter 371 Loading Waste Materials (1)

A Dingkangya trial is enough for her to have a headache, and now she is required to participate in the Danfu Grand Competition?

What did Jiang Gufeng say that he was kicked out of the pavilion every time, but this time Dan Fuzong took the initiative to give him the spot?Are you out of your mind, and there are still people who take the initiative to find someone to kick the pavilion?
She won, Dan Fu Zong lost face; she didn't win, Wan Jian Zong lost face.The most important thing is that Jiang Shuiyan knows how much she has. There are many reasons why she was good at alchemy in her previous life.

Her alchemy technique is special, her cultivation base is high, and she also uses high-grade alchemy tripod and sky fire.Now she does not dare to use the alchemy technique of blending water and fire lightly, her cultivation is foundation building, and alchemy fire is not sky fire.

And her heart is not on the way of alchemy, what she practiced is what she needs, how can she compare with the disciples of the alchemy sect who are immersed in the way of alchemy every day?
There is also talisman making, which is an area she is not good at.It's easy to talk about the formation, and you can still give it a go.

Jiang Gufeng didn't expect Jiang Shuiyan to reject him so easily, and he didn't know what to say after that.

Jiang Shuiyan also realized that her attitude was a bit subtle, and explained to Jiang Gufeng with a smile: "I am a swordsman, and I am very bad at alchemy. Isn't it embarrassing for me to participate in the competition?"

Jiang Gufeng knew Jiang Shuiyan's skills, especially when he went to the medicine field to see it, it was a big change.Invisibly, Jiang Shuiyan also made a considerable contribution to Dan Fuzong.

"Jiang Daoyou, don't say that, the changes in the medicine field are not like a person who is not good at alchemy can do it. You may not understand the benefits of participating in the alchemy competition..."

Jiang Shuiyan stopped him: "If the benefits you talk about are rewards and world fame, then I'm not keen on that."

Her creed is to make a fortune in silence. Didn't she change her own body into a man?Now that Bai Yu and Xiao Jinlong have appeared in everyone's field of vision, she still wants to keep a low profile for a few more years.

Jiang Gufeng kept choking on Jiang Shuiyan, and really didn't know how to persuade her.

The Danfu Grand Competition is indeed a major event in the entire Magnolia world, and there will be countless powerful and outstanding disciples watching it every time.

A disciple who performs well may be appointed early on, and the pills he refines in the future will be bought by powerful people at a high price.

There are also those old ancestors of the Danfu Sect, who have very different tempers, and it is very difficult to obtain their guidance.

In general alchemy competitions, except for the alchemy god who has been retreating all the year round, other alchemy masters will come to watch.

If you can get a little bit of their favor, you don't have to worry about it for the rest of your life.

After a long while, Jiang Gufeng made the last effort: "Don't be afraid that we will hate you if you win the game. You are used to being kicked out of the gym. We still have a bit of tolerance."

Jiang Shuiyan looked at Jiang Gufeng indifferently, and said in his heart that I lived so long in the last life, and I know everything about your Dan Fuzong.

Every time the Danfu competition, there are indeed people who come to play, but very few of them can succeed.The disciples of Dan Fuzong are not easy-going lamps, want to beat them easily?Are you living in a dream.

In short, Jiang Shiyan still made the decision: "I still don't participate."

Jiang Gufeng sighed: "Okay, then you and I will report to the elders."

When Jiang Shuiyan heard this, his eyes were slightly cold.Did it really happen in the medicine field, which attracted the attention of Da Neng of Dan Fuzong?

But with the little tricks she used, how could these great abilities not be able to do it?They just don't want to make a move.

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(End of this chapter)

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