Immortal is too strong

Chapter 373 Loading Waste Materials

Chapter 373 Loading Waste Materials (3)

Yao Lao frowned: "You don't have any?"

Jiang Shuiyan thought, can I show you my Shuiyun Medicine Cauldron?

Smiling innocently: "No."

Yao Lao looked at Jiang Gufeng: "Lend yours to Jiang Li."

Without saying a word, Jiang Gufeng took out his Danding and Danhuo.When Jiang Shiyan took it, he was still very reluctant.

For them, Danxiu, these two things are like their wives, which are extremely precious.

He thought to himself, these old ancestors all wanted to see Jiang Li's ability, but they were even willing to take out a medicine cauldron and pill fire and knock the door.

Yao Lao asked again: "What herbs do you need?"

Jiang Shiyan said a few things casually. They really didn't have such a low-level medicinal herb in their hands.He remembered that little disciple Ran Qing was nearby, so he sent a message to her, asking her to bring medicinal herbs.

Ran Qing was very diligent about Master's instructions, and in a short while, prepared the herbs needed by Jiang Shiyan.

After she came, she saw Jiang Shuiyan, she was stunned for a moment, and found that she was going to make alchemy in front of these elders, she immediately refused to leave.

She also wants to see what Jiang Shuiyan is capable of?You must know that most of the disciples of Dan Fuzong have no chance to meet these elders!
Whether Ran Qing can leave or not is not in Jiang Shuiyan's consideration.She just collected the herbs, thanked her, and then started alchemy.

Opening the alchemy furnace, offering sacrifices to the alchemy fire, controlling the heat, and making alchemy were proceeding in an orderly manner.

There is no smoky and beautiful scene, and there is no sweet fragrance wafting. Every movement of her is quite satisfactory, even very ordinary.

Yao Lao and the others looked at it for a while, and knew that Jiang Shiyan was going to refine the detoxification pill, so they were not very interested.

First of all, the herbs she used were all low-level. Even if they were made into detoxification elixirs, they could only detoxify some small poisons. The elixirs were completely useless against those fierce poisons.

But if the cultivation base is high, the small poison can be cured casually, and what detoxification pill is needed.

Furthermore, she doesn't seem to be very proficient in using the pill furnace and pill fire, and the order of adding the spirit herbs is also messy. It is estimated that she can only refine low-grade low-level detoxification pills.

Yao Lao sighed deeply, it seems that they were mistaken.It's really a good thing not to let Jiang Shuiyan participate in the Danfu Grand Competition, otherwise she will definitely lose all of Wan Jianzong's face.

Jiang Gufeng watched Jiang Shuiyan alchemy, anxious.How could she add herbs like that?Moreover, he still refines such a low-quality elixir, so he has no hope of participating in the elixir contest!
Ran Qing was very proud, and felt much more at ease.She's just saying, this male cultivator must only have the means to prepare spirit herbs in vain, and he is far inferior to himself in refining medicine.

What is the use of planting spiritual herbs?With so many monks in the medicine field, how many spirit stones can they earn each year?
After leaving the main hall in a while, she will definitely mock Jiang Shuiyan, and she wants to show off in front of the elders, regardless of how much she is.

Except for Qing Mochen, no one noticed that Jiang Shuiyan was doing two things now.

Her inexperience in alchemy was indeed deliberately done by her to confuse these elders. In fact, she was more focused on drawing formations on Jiang Gufeng's alchemy furnace.

As for what to paint with?It is through the trajectory of the spirit grass fluttering in the pill furnace.

Jiang Shuiyan just saw Jiang Gufeng's reluctance, and she also has a pill furnace that she doesn't want to be touched by others, so in order to repay Jiang Gufeng, she improved his pill furnace.

 Fairies, remember to vote for recommendation and leave a message when reading~~ It would be even better if there is a reward hahaha
(End of this chapter)

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