Immortal is too strong

Chapter 374 Loading Waste Materials

Chapter 374 Loading Waste Materials (4)

When he participates in the Pill Talisman Competition, the quality of the pill furnace will be improved, and the quality of his elixir will also be improved.

Moreover, this formation is extremely hidden, Jiang Gufeng probably won't notice it himself, and Jiang Shuiyan is not going to tell him.

After thinking about it, she narrowed her eyes with a smile, and said to herself that she really did a good deed without leaving her name.

Seeing that she was still smiling, Yao Lao and the others felt even more emotional, as expected they couldn't expect much from Jianxiu.She probably thought that she practiced well, right?The steps are all wrong, but I can laugh.

Qiu Qing also knew that Yao Lao had called Jiang Shuiyan over, and she was outside the hall, observing for a while with her spiritual sense.As the head of the Pill Talisman Sect, she is not bad at alchemy, just took a look, and left with her spiritual sense.

This level is not worthy of the expectations of the people of Dan Fuzong.

Jiang Shuiyan didn't even know that Qiu Qing had been here, and she didn't care if she knew.Whether she is strong or not does not need to be proved in the eyes of others.

It doesn't take long to make a furnace of low-grade pills, but the formation drawn by Jiang Shuiyan on the furnace is very complicated, so it takes a little longer.

Yao Lao and the others want to remind you loudly, if you continue to refine, the pills in the pill furnace will all become slag.

Someone left impatiently. Before leaving, he shook his sleeves vigorously: "This time, I have a bad eye. I shouldn't believe that sword cultivators can make alchemy well."

After hearing this, Jiang Shuiyan didn't stop moving, and his expression didn't change, but he felt a little disdainful in his heart.

But Danxiu and Jianxiu look down on each other, and it's not a day or two.Ordinary sword cultivators would think that alchemy cultivators can only refine alchemy, their cultivation base is not high, and their spells are not powerful.

In fact, there are no absolutes. For example, that pervert Qing Mochen, whether it is alchemy or formation, is a great success.Needless to say, his swordsmanship is invincible in the world.

As for the special case in Danxiu, it is the ancestor of Dan Fuzong.Why can the one in front of me be called Yao Lao, but that one is called "Dan Shen"?Because his attainments in alchemy are very, very high.

The medicine he refined is a precious item that surpasses the ninth-order treasure in the Magnolia world, and is invaluable.

And he has concentrated on cultivation in recent years, and he has rarely shown himself, which made many people feel very embarrassed.

Like Qing Mochen, this alchemy god has lived for thousands of years, and is also a rare strong person in the transformation stage.In his last life, Jiang Shiyan hadn't met him a few times, but he only remembered that he was a very arrogant and indifferent person, and in his indifference, he was somewhat similar to Qing Mochen.

In this life, Jiang Shuiyan never thought that she would have any contact with God Alchemy.

After the formation was drawn, Jiang Shuiyan collected the alchemy fire and the alchemy furnace, only to see the round and simple alchemy furnace floating in her palm.

Jiang Shuiyan reached out and touched the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, as if he had consumed a lot of consciousness: "The junior is done."

Yao Lao and the others had dark faces, and they didn't want to see what was in the pill furnace.

Jiang Shuiyan pretended not to know, and opened the pill furnace with a smile, and then a very pungent smell swept the hall. Ran Qing was the first to cover her nose and shouted: "Why is it so stinky! Quickly put the pill Close the furnace!"

Jiang Gufeng stared at his pitiful alchemy stove, his eyes were red, and he kept saying in his heart: baby, I have wronged you, and when you return to my hands, I will definitely clean you up.

Jiang Shuiyan didn't look back, and responded to Ran Qing: "Wait a minute, let me see if there is any elixir."

Yao Lao is very impatient, this Jiang Li has wasted so much of his time!He should go back and study the beauty pill he got last time.

(End of this chapter)

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