Immortal is too strong

Chapter 375 Pill God

Chapter 375 Pill God (1)

"Okay, don't look at it, how could there be a pill?"

Ran Qing echoed: "That's right! Master has already said, you are a pot of useless pills!"

Jiang Shuiyan was not annoyed, and reached out to dig in the pill furnace, and after a long time of touching, he finally found a pill.

There are so many medicinal herbs, only this one is left, and the success rate can be said to be very low.

After finding out the elixir, she was finally willing to close the pill furnace, and after returning the pill stove and pill fire to Jiang Gufeng, she held up the black pill with a bumpy surface, and said happily: "Senior! Look! This junior has a Chengdan!"

Yao Lao only judged with the naked eye. Although the elixir is ready, it probably can't cure the poison, it can poison people to death.

Jiang Shuiyan couldn't wait to walk towards him holding the pill: "Look!"

Yao Lao hurriedly asked her to stop: "Okay, there is no need to read it, you can leave."

Hearing this, Jiang Shuiyan stopped in his tracks, squeezed the pill and asked, "I don't need to participate in the Pill Talisman Competition, do you?"

Yao Laoduo was unwilling to say a word to her, and was about to nod his head, when suddenly a strong coercion swept through the hall. After the strong wind passed, a man with black hair and black eyes stood in the middle.

He gave Jiang Shuiyan a cold look: "Go to participate in the Danfu competition."

Plop, plop, before Jiang Gufeng and Ran Qing could react, they knelt down on the ground with pale faces.

Their bodies were crawling, trembling, and it took a while before they realized who it was.

Although fear, but more excited and excited.

Oh my god, God Dan is out!In the rest of my life, I can still see him once, so I won't waste myself worshiping the Dan Fuzong!
Jiang Shuiyan was the only one with a low cultivation base who was still struggling to support his body.

She is rebellious by nature, her movements are faster than her thoughts.

Qing Mochen was the first to realize that Yin Luosheng was coming. He didn't react when Jiang Shuiyan was making alchemy randomly, and he didn't move when he was secretly drawing formations, but the moment Yin Luosheng just landed, he didn't respond. , he left Jiang Shuiyan's wrist abruptly, jumped onto her shoulder, and stared fiercely at Yin Luosheng.

Jiang Shuiyan broke out in a cold sweat, his jaw was trembling, he raised his head with all his strength, and glanced at the man in black.

What kind of face is that?The edges and corners of every place are like a mountain peak has been cut, and all the praise words in the world are not enough to describe a single cent.

This is a power that is not inferior to Qing Mochen. It is rumored in the world that he is arrogant and indifferent, and his handsome face can't stop his fierce aura.

What did he say just now, to let himself participate in the Danfu Grand Competition?Didn't you see that she didn't want to?
She wanted to open her mouth to speak, but it was a pity that she was like a little ant when facing people whose realm was much higher than her, while Yin Luosheng was a ferocious beast.

He only needs to blow a little breath, and he can destroy her to pieces.

Qing Mochen really wanted to block Yin Luosheng's pressure for Jiang Shuiyan, but unfortunately he couldn't.After being in the form of a dragon for so long, Qing Mochen felt powerless again.

Staring at Yin Luosheng, a deep roar subconsciously came out of his throat, which was warning him not to act rashly.

Yin Luosheng didn't see Qing Mochen's real body, but thought he was a snake, and this snake was not afraid of him, it was a good spirit beast.

As for Jiang Shuiyan not far away... He blinked his black eyes, and for a moment, Jiang Shuiyan saw a light burning inside, which soon dissipated.

And Yin Luosheng, from that light, saw through Jiang Shuiyan's true nature. It turned out to be a girl with an outstanding appearance. He had seen countless people in the Magnolia Realm, and he had never seen anyone who could beat her.

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(End of this chapter)

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