Immortal is too strong

Chapter 376 Pill God

Chapter 376 Pill God (2)

Can a foundation building period have such a beautiful appearance?Yin Luosheng discovered her water root, and noticed the signs of her marrow washing.

It turned out to be a combination of various reasons.

Jiang Shuiyan's heart sank little by little.Thousand-faced paper is just fine for those monks in the Nascent Soul Stage, but it is really a piece of waste paper in front of the Transformation Stage.

I'm afraid Yin Luosheng could find out all about her just by looking at her.

Yin Luosheng didn't intend to expose her, he stretched out his hand, Jiang Shuiyan thought he was going to catch her, but Qing Mochen blocked it, only to find that Yin Luosheng was grabbing Jiang Gufeng's pill furnace.

With a thought, he cleaned up the alchemy furnace. No matter how bright his eyes were, he could clearly see the lines of the formation in the alchemy furnace. Judging from the time, who drew the formation couldn't be more clear.

Yin Luosheng raised his head slowly, and when he looked at Yao Lao, he was not angry and pretentious.

Yao Lao didn't dare to provoke this ancestor, thinking that he made a mistake?Could it be that Jiang Li is a rare talent?
Yin Luosheng threw the pill furnace lightly, and it landed firmly in Jiang Gufeng's hand.

Immediately, Yin Luosheng said coldly to Yao Lao: "But I haven't seen you for a hundred years, your eyesight is getting worse and worse, are you sure you can still see clearly what's going on inside the alchemy furnace? Go rest your days, don't make alchemy gone."

He said the words in front of his little apprentice, and he was ashamed and annoyed after hearing this.This is the case with Yin Luosheng, the god of alchemy. He is the best in the world of alchemy, and he is a rare opponent in the Yulan world, so he is merciless against his fellow disciples.

Yao Lao didn't even dare to ask where he made a mistake, he bowed his head and knelt down: "Please God Alchemy forgive me."

Yin Luosheng didn't bother to explain to him, and turned to look at Jiang Shuiyan: "You, go to participate in the Danfu competition."

Jiang Shuiyan waited for a long time, but still couldn't speak, her face was flushed red.Her knees were trembling, no matter how uncomfortable she was, Yin Luosheng would not kneel down.

The man's black eyes were sharp, he stared at Jiang Shiyan, and smiled with his lips curled up: "It's interesting." Don't you kneel?Wan Jianzong's disciples are all tough.

He is a powerful man in the stage of transformation, and he doesn't bother to argue with Jiang Shuiyan, so let's leave the words about him here, the Dan Fu Dabi, whether Jiang Shuiyan is willing or not, he must participate.

Jiang Shuiyan clenched his teeth in resentment, his lungs were about to explode due to the aggrievedness.So what if Yin Luosheng is powerful?Seeing his arrogant appearance, Jiang Shuiyan wanted to poke him twice.

Qing Mochen stared at Yin Luosheng coldly, and then his eyes fell on the Dragon Neidan on his neck.After taking the inner alchemy, he should be able to fight against Yin Luosheng.

Yin Luosheng must be killed if he takes action, so as to avoid future troubles.

Sensing Qing Mochen's killing intent, Yin Luosheng laughed loudly, and said wildly: "You still want to kill me? It's useless to give you ten dragon inner pills."

Jiang Shuiyan's eyes widened slightly, did he see it?Also, she knows how powerful the power of the transformation stage is.It is easy to move mountains and fill seas, and change the world.

The aggressiveness in Qing Mochen's bones was also aroused.He has been practicing swords for many years, and he has beheaded many people like Yin Luosheng who blocked the way.

If it was an ordinary spirit beast that ate the inner alchemy, it might not be Yin Luosheng's opponent, but he was Qing Mochen.

The probe grabbed Shenlong's inner alchemy in its mouth, pulled it hard, and the rope broke, watching Qing Mochen want to swallow the inner alchemy.

Suddenly, the silent spirit world awakened: "Why does it smell like Wen Jiuming?"

(End of this chapter)

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