Chapter 377

Jiang Shuiyan couldn't care about Wen Jiuming or Wen Shiming now, she only knew that the spirit world was very repulsed by this breath, and she actually helped Jiang Shuiyan get rid of Yin Luosheng's pressure.

Her complexion was not so ugly, and her standing posture returned to normal. Her throat was a little itchy, but she was able to speak.

"What if I don't participate?"

Yin Luosheng felt that this woman could be considered a talent, and it was the first time he had seen her during the foundation building period when she was able to speak under such a powerful coercion.

Not only him, Yao Lao and others stared at Jiang Shiyan in surprise.She's not afraid of God Alchemy anymore?

Although he has lived for many years, this is the first time he has been slapped in the face like this. Like Ran Qing, Yao Lao somewhat dislikes Jiang Shiyan.

If she hadn't joined the Pill Talisman Sect, they wouldn't be unable to hold their heads up in front of the Pill God.

The more God Dan thinks highly of her, the more it shows that they are blind, alas.

Yin Luosheng replied coldly: "If you don't participate, you will die."

Jiang Shuiyan never thought about the possibility of winning against Yin Luosheng at all. Although his heart was depressed, his expression was still calm.

"Then I will participate."

Qing Mochen suddenly turned his head to look at her, he wanted to swallow the Dragon Neidan in his mouth.

How could she be so patient?Jiang Shuiyan seemed to be aware of his thoughts, and thought to himself, what if he couldn't bear it?Head-to-head with Yin Luosheng?That is hitting a stone with a pebble.She is a bug egg, and Yin Luosheng is a boulder.

Yin Luosheng showed a bit of satisfaction: "It's not enough just to participate, you must get the first place, otherwise, I will kill you."

Even Jiang Shuiyan had a strong mentality, so he couldn't help raising his head and asking in surprise: "What did you say? Let me beat so many great alchemists? I can't do it!"

Unlike the Zongmen Grand Competition of the Bell Bottle Sect, people of different realms would not stand on the same ring.

The Danfu Sect's competition is divided according to the attainments in the way of alchemy or the way of talisman. In the Magnolia world, Danxiu is also divided into upper, middle and lower ranks.

People like Jiang Gufeng and Ran Qing are the chief disciples of Zhongpin, Yaolao and others, and they are top-rank alchemists.And their kind of great ability is the best alchemy, and they no longer participate in the alchemy competition.

Yin Luosheng?He is a god of alchemy, and it is almost impossible to find anyone who can compete with him on the same stage.

After hearing Jiang Shuiyan's words, Yin Luosheng still said: "If you can't compare, I will kill you."

"Why?" Jiang Shuiyan had no idea what Yin Luosheng was thinking!So arrogant that he doesn't even care about Wan Jianzong's face?
Yin Luosheng said coldly: "It's just because I am better than you."

In the Magnolia Realm, can someone with a high cultivation level be able to do whatever they want?To put it bluntly, it is true.

Jiang Shuiyan clenched his fists tightly, regretting drawing the formation on Jiang Gufeng's Danding. "Then which group are you going to assign me to compete?"

"Naturally a top-rank alchemist." Yin Luosheng seemed to be thinking of her very much, "Although Yao Lao and others will not participate in the competition, if you want to compete, this deity can also be the master."

Jiang Shuiyan quickly shook his head: "I don't want to."

Seeing that she didn't refuse any more, Yin Luosheng raised his head slightly: "It's not harming you to let you participate in the Danfu Grand Competition. As a reward for you winning the competition, this deity will promise you one thing."

Jiang Shuiyan thought secretly in his heart, how about I let you blew up your own soul?But she dared not speak out.

Before Yin Luosheng left, he told Jiang Shuiyan: "Use your own Dan Huo and Dan Ding, whatever herbs you need, just go to the medicine field to collect them, and report the deity's name, no one will accept your spirit stone."

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(End of this chapter)

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