Immortal is too strong

Chapter 428 Desperate Combat

Chapter 428 Desperate Combat (2)

Ever since she chose to leave with Lu Jue, Qing Mochen had returned to the spirit world and had never spoken to Jiang Shuiyan.

Jiang Shuiyan only thought that he was throwing a temper tantrum, thinking of a child's temperament, just coax him, and he didn't care.

And when she was in danger, Qing Mochen was the first to rush out.He regained his golden dragon appearance, stood in front of Jiang Shuiyan, and used his body to withstand Feng Xiaoran's murderous aura.

The black magic energy gathered from the tip of his claws into a point, and then was bounced in all directions.

Jiang Shuiyan behind him was intact, except for the trembling of the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

After finally blocking Feng Xiaoran's first attack, Qing Mochen said coldly: "Go!"

The tacit understanding between Jiang Shuiyan and him has been cultivated. As soon as he made a sound, her figure turned into a bolt of lightning, splitting the night sky and fleeing thousands of miles away.

Lu Jue wanted to chase her, but was stopped by Feng Xiaoran's puppet army. After a while, Feng Xiaoran was already ahead of him.

Jiang Shuiyan's cultivation was far behind Feng Xiaoran's, and Feng Xiaoran was still accelerating.

"Jiang Li, you'd better pray that you won't be caught by this deity. From now on, you will become the deity's confinement. You will refine medicine for this deity every day and be favored by this deity until the day you die!"

This made Jiang Shiyan's scalp tingle.Oops, Feng Xiaoran knows who she is!
The distance was too close, and she could even hear the sound of the wind blowing the clothes when Feng Xiaoran crossed the night sky.

Jiang Shuiyan put all his energy into it and didn't dare to stop for a moment. When he jumped over a city, the monks inside didn't realize what happened.

Someone asked: "Meteor?"

A slightly stronger person said: "What meteors, those are two monks! Tsk tsk, they must be enemies."

Feng Xiaoran could already see the back of Jiang Shuiyan's neck, he reached out to grab it, but Qing Mochen shouted: "Be careful!"

Jiang Shiyan tilted his head abruptly, and continued to run forward without stopping.

Originally, it would take her at least ten days and a half a month to go to the East China Sea. If she had been at this speed, she might have arrived in three days!
It's a pity that even if she wanted to, Feng Xiaoran would not give her this chance, not to mention that her spiritual power is limited.

When her aura was about to run out, Feng Xiaoran jumped in front of her, staring at her eyebrows.

"You are Jiang Shuiyan." Without the slightest hesitation, even Jiang Shuiyan's face was completely different from before.

She could only pretend to be stupid: "Hehe, what are you talking about, my lord? How could I be Jiang Shuiyan? My name is Jiang Li."

"Although I don't know what magic weapon you used, but you are Jiang Shuiyan." Feng Xiaoran's eyes burned, and he took half a step forward, Jiang Shuiyan could not move.

He whispered in her ear, like a whisper between lovers: "Do you know how long I've been looking for you, and for you, I even wiped out your sect."

Jiang Shuiyan's face gradually turned cold, unable to hide, she simply changed back to her former appearance.

The woman's face was even better than Feng Xiaoran's, and Feng Xiaoran was even more excited: "You are more beautiful than the one in the portrait!"

Jiang Shiyan's face was the one he dreamed of!If she peeled off her skin layer by layer and stuck it on his face... just thinking about it would make him crazy.

After Lu Jue dealt with the puppets, he came behind them and was taken aback when he saw Jiang Shuiyan's back.

In fact, Jiang Shuiyan suspected that Lu Jue's cultivation level in the previous life was not inferior to Qing Mochen. She thought that he would be very powerful now, able to see through her disguise like Yin Luosheng, but Lu Jue did not.

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(End of this chapter)

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