Immortal is too strong

Chapter 429 Desperate Combat

Chapter 429 Desperate Combat (3)

Either because of the poison in his body, or because he suppressed his cultivation.

Feng Xiaoran also saw Lu Jue, this time he would rather die than leave Jiang Shuiyan behind: "This is a grievance between us, Lu Jue, I advise you not to interfere."

"What if I insist?" Lu Jue asked coldly.

Feng Xiaoran used his trump card, he summoned the nightmare beast.

Jiang Shiyan saw that the air was distorted, and the lavender disgust filled the air under the moonlight, lingering on the ground.

Even the leaves no longer trembled in the place soaked by the purple weapon, and other creatures fell into a deep sleep.

Jiang Shuiyan is well aware of the horror of the Nightmare Beast, just a ray of soul almost destroys her, not to mention that the real body is still here!

She looked at Lu Jue, wanting to join hands with him: "Help me, and I will definitely help you ascend to the position of Demon Lord!"

When she turned her head, Lu Jue's eyes fell directly on her face, and the feeling of suffocation in her heart became heavier.

She is so beautiful, the Moonlight Fairy is not like a mortal.

But Lu Jue quickly regained his senses.He has always been vicious and vicious, and he will use any means. If he wants to save Jiang Shuiyan, he must confront the Nightmare Beast. This is a deviation from his ambition to dominate.

He said to himself, it's just a woman, what do you care about?
So he said: "It's up to you to decide how to go my way."

Looking at Feng Xiaoran again: "I leave it to you."

After that, he headed towards the East China Sea without looking back.

Although Jiang Shuiyan had expected this result, he still felt strangely uncomfortable.Lu Jue, don't ask me for it in the future. If I promise you, I will write my name backwards!
"Why, your lover is gone, and your soul is also lost?" Feng Xiao asked disdainfully.

Jiang Shuiyan didn't bother to explain. After she was reborn, she only wanted to be strong, and she didn't think about romance.

"Follow me." He held out his hand to Jiang Shuiyan.

But Jiang Shiyan said: "I refuse."

"Then I can only control you first, use Soul Search to copy your memory, then kill you, make a puppet, and implant memory." The more he said, the more obsessive his tone became, "You are so beautiful, if you die, you will still be so beautiful. With humanity, he will definitely be my best puppet."

Jiang Shuiyan gritted his teeth: "Sorry, I don't have the habit of being a puppet for others."

"That's up to you."

Feng Xiaoran snapped his fingers, and the purple mist scrambled towards Jiang Shuiyan.

Jiang Shuiyan had already held her breath, but the Nightmare Beast was different. She couldn't tell where its real body was, and the mist was so disgusting that it could penetrate her skin!
She had no chance of winning against the Nightmare Beast. Jiang Shuiyan spotted Feng Xiaoran and used Biqing Jue's ultimate ultimate move.

Not only that, she also violently released the restraint of the primordial spirit, just to have the strength to fight.

If you retreat today, you will die!She doesn't want to die, she can only fight!

When she shot, countless people flashed across her mind.

Bi Shuran said: "Senior sister, I will become stronger and protect you."

Mo Bingyou said, "I want you to be mine."

Lin Kexin asked: "I'm leaving Wanjianzong too, is there a chance to see you again?"

Baili Yunhan praised: "You really won the first place, that's amazing!"

Yunqi said: "Give me 3000 years, dare to teach Dan Shen to go to hell."

After being reborn, she possessed so much and met so many interesting people, so she didn't want to say goodbye!

She will cherish life more than anyone else, even Qing Mochen can't make her yield, let alone Feng Xiaoran!

Feng Xiaoran also made a move. Originally, he was afraid of hurting Jiang Shuiyan, but he retained his strength, but he was blown away by Jiang Shuiyan's powerful soul.

(End of this chapter)

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